Sina Weibo

Friday, March 30, 2007

[*真*川澄饭请进] 给绫子样31岁的生日贺礼(答案公布)


好些天前就在考虑这回绫子样的生日做些什么才好了。去年的时候没有写生日贺文,本想着今年来写的。但是适逢300萌战、征文,如愿以偿的我就提前在12月底把声评给写了^ ^a

所以我就准备了另外一份生日礼物--绫子样的角色quiz www
有自信或是有兴趣的人就来做吧! 看看你能猜出多少角色?


mp3打包下载:感谢游人和Niko上传m(_ _)m 以下连结已补档(3/29)

(ysi)Kawasumi voice quiz
(fupload)Kawasumi voice quiz
(mediafire)Kawasumi voice quiz


1。没察书/搜索就答对圆周率的人请举手 XDDD

b.把所在集数报出来 (众:来!把这人捆成粽子扔到大西洋里去!!!)



1. 逮捕しちゃうぞ(第1期)(婦警D)

2. 星方武侠アウトロースター(メルフィナ)


4.To Heart(神岸あかり)


6.KURAU Phantom Memory(天箕クラウ)

















23.Fate/stay night(セイバー)

24.ZEGAPAIN -ゼーガペイン-(ミサキ・シズノ(三崎紫雫乃))

TV #2



TV #2



Thursday, March 29, 2007

[生活] 离开波士顿




两年的时间有没有让我变成合格的Bostonian我不知道, 换工作的决定本身是不是完全正确我也不知道。


Monday, March 26, 2007

[忙里偷闲]FST radio第5回

周末的时候一边打包一边听上周的Fate Stay Tune广播第5回,一边笑着这广播的master们果然都很BT的时候。。。



“有人cosplay凛呢” (啊,那个胖胖的女孩当时站在我前面)

“当然,也有人cos Saber” (啊啊啊啊啊----是我啊

“最厉害的是有人cos的lancer和archer, 非常相像,武器发型什么的(这段不是原话是大意),让人好想和他们合影!不过manager不让(啊啊啊我恨你绫子样的干练眼镜娘manager O_Q)(那两个人就站我后面,还一起合影来着,确实做得非常棒的costume)

My day was made!!!


Friday, March 23, 2007


事实上因为和所料的基本一模一样,看到我都有些不耐烦了= =

台词、感觉、剧情全都太像神无月orz 简直像是神无月的staff和TNK闹别扭--

介错& staff: 再做千姬的lovelove吧!


介错& staff:没千姬不做orz


TNK: 不止要做BG主线,而且一定要有主角男女720度天旋地转的kiss scene......


那段就恕我不截了= =






京四郎前一秒刚失去爱人,后一秒就在刹那的怀里磨蹭去了= =
BL男和loli控? (笑)

做好心理准备吧= =|||


Monday, March 19, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 12)

Lethe's Note:

There's no Part 11 in the original novel. I believe that is an editing mistake.

Special thanks to Niko chan for proofreading.

Please don't distribute without my permission.


Central Student Union. Absolute Angel Bureau.
What was waiting for me was not only my Accomplice* Mika sama, but also the coming fierce storm of "reforging". (Previously translated as "master", now changed to be the same as the definition on their official website, Accomplice. I don't like this word, though = = )
At my request of saving Suukei's life, Mika sama didn't raise her hand, nor her voice.

"Where have you been till now, why haven't you contacted me?"
"...I am very sorry."

My consciousness had been in commotion due to the lack of mana, and my body was also immobile―so I told Mika sama.
Being as agitated as I was at that time, I only made up more lies.
Even in front of my Accomplice.

"What is that girl, Murakumo"
Silence. I cannot tell the truth.
"The one who rescued me."
"......rescued you?"
"Today I can stand here , I owe it all to her mana."

Except for this, I couldn't think of any other excuse. For that I felt anxious.
Even if it is one second faster, please hurry up.
Help her.

"That's why you ask for my help?"
"I, your Accomplice, to fulfill your wish?"
"I am aware how rude this is, I would like to accept any punishment... please..."
"Mika sama?"

Mika sama didn't answer.
Those eyes were burning with inferno flames from the dark abyss, --I could almost hear the sound of silent fire from her intense anger.

Later, I entered a room with special alloy walls to be reforged.
I was bounded with Angel's Restrainer, with layers and layers of iron chains tied to my body.
Made from a combination of magic and science, the alloy hammers kept smashing up onto my body as if I were never to be forgiven.
My mana was splashing everywhere like blood at open wounds.
What was deemed as the impure things in me, the unnecessary information and feelings-- started to flutter, illusionize, and vanish.

Amid the back and forth, non-stopping impact and acute pain, I only thought of Suukei.
It doesn't matter what punishment I would have to stand.
Take all my mana if you will.
As long as it is for helping Suukei.

Please don't die.
My consciousness gradually melted in such chaos.
And then.

When I woke up, I found myself somewhere else other than in the usual reforging room.
This room had a shrine-type style instead.
It was in the East Moon Demon-Sealing Campus that Mika sama rules.
In front of a surprised me, a young mistress appeared to dress me up.
During that, I learned what had happened when I was asleep.

It had been twenty days since the day of reforging. During these days, Morality Squad set up a sudden attack and suppressed Absolute Angel Bureau.
Badras was missing.
Claimh Solais, still in her sleep, was confiscated by Central Student Union.

Mika sama took some staff and me in my adjustment together, retreated to the base-- East Moon Demon-Sealing Campus, just barely escaped.
Were I able to fight at that time, things must have been different.
However, none of those is my concern right now.

How happened to Suukei?

That was all I could think of.
"How is that girl now?"
"I am afraid that I do not know."
Worry filled my heart.


Led by the mistress, I went to the Convener Room.
I knelt down in front of Mika sama as soon as I entered. Mika sama----
"You've brought me some interesting sample......Murakumo..."
"That sample can stabilize your mana more than anyone else. Very good research material indeed."

Then, Suukei's still alive?
Big relief spread in my heart.

Mika sama's words pierced through my heart like needles.
"For this feat, I forgive everything in the past."
"......Mika sama"
"She is in the Treatment Room in the Fourth Tower. Go ahead and meet her."
As she said so, Mika sama--with an ice-slicing frigidity--smiled.

(Part 12 fin)


This part will be reiterated in the interlude, Mika's chapter from Mika's angle later. I love the author's dual angle interpretation of this key event in Kaon-Mika relationship.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 10)

Lethe's Note:

I'll save my comments until after the story.

Please don't distribute without my permission.


That day. The day that Suukei accomplished her painting of me.

Suukei and I had a small celebration.

We cooked dinner together, opened up non-alcoholic wine, and decorated our place with wild flowers.
Chicken were stewed with mushroom on the oven, red candles lit up on the table.

The lead today is----"the painting of me".
This "Murakumo no Kaon" drawn by Suukei looks more like me than even myself.

So happily smiling Suukei.
"Please be my model again," pleading Suukei.
Wine-blushing red-cheeked Suukei. (Hey, wasn't it non-alcoholic? XD)
So many times of "Daisuki," confessing Suukei.
I...kissed her.

On our one month commemoration day*, I sent gentle kisses to her cheek and her palms. (*or mensiversary--this word hasn't spread yet but saying one month anniversary is just not acceptable for me = =)
When I embraced her, Suukei uttered "yes" then closed her eyes.

It was only a blinking moment, when lips touched lips tenderly, like two birds pecking.
It was only that...
Suukei fell to the floor.
Standing in front of collapsed her, I saw the same scene that had happened to me numerous times before.
When those girls supplied mana for my survival and became immobile.

I----hurt Suukei.
Something more terrible than the blur I know has smashed me into pieces.
It is an endless despair, deeper than the darkness itself.

Suukei's painful moan woke me to the reality.
--This isn't good.
If this continues, Suukei will...

I hastily held her and lifted her up.
Suukei gasped in pain.
I touched her forehead--what a horrible fever.
Judging from the symptom, I alone cannot take care of it. Nor can any common hospital.
Without the best equipments, immediate and correct treatment, Suukei's life will----

Although my heart was in turmoil, my mind still came up with the most rational and realistic solution.
There was no time for hesitation.
Resolving the mana field, I held Suukei in my arms and left the atelier.
The fire in the furnace was still burning its read flaming, brightening the oil paint Suukei had drawn for me.
The golden days we spent together are irreplaceable.
However, there is--no way back.
Farewell, our paradise.
I clasped Suukei and rushed to the freezing-cold reality, to Asura's world*, where the master was waiting. (*Asura or Ashura, another term in Indian Mythology, one of a race of demons and giants, the same origin as the one in CLAMP's RG Veda. For more, check here )

(Part 10 fin)

After Kaon chan and Suukei (Himiko) first met (the beginning), spent days and nights together for a month (the development), now the story reaches its climax, that the two of them confessed to each other, and shared a mutual, sincere kiss.

Kaon chan, we know, has been waiting for this moment since they first met; Suukei, we don't know the exact time when she realized her feelings for Kaon chan are more than friendship, but I think it's safe to say it's sometime during this one month and not right on that day. This thrilling climax, however, is also the saddest moment for the poor two.

Since KnM, these two have not obtained a conscious, mutual happy kiss without something bad happening afterwards T_T Although this time it feels like a complete set-up. Why would it be OK for the first time happening a month ago, but not the second time? The explanation that the author put up for it is not satisfying for me: "Because we have encountered as we were supposed to, because this was the first, true, hearty kiss. That must be why I didn't lose to the fate of Absolute Angels. " As the second kiss would fit the description of "the first, true, hearty kiss" even better = =||| I would have explained it in some other way. For example, Kaon just consumed too much mana in that one month maintaining the mana field. It is especially anguishing as it's not even a long, deep kiss ...... However, no matter what reason it may be, given Kaon's identity, that was bound to happen, sooner or later. Probably, it has been decided from the moment Kaon prayed to her God.

It is also interesting to compare their kisses in the anime and the novel. See how Kaon chan is the one who starts every kiss in the novel, while Himiko initiates every one in the anime? That is what we call a PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)... (Kaon chan:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket)

Only two episodes of anime left... may Kaon and Himiko/Suukei have a happy ending! I don't ask for much, just a scene of those two returning to the hut, Suukei drawing a nude picture of Kaon chan again!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 9)

Lethe's Note:

I thought of putting part 9 together with part 8 or 10, but then changed my idea. Though very short, plot-wise, this is a necessary intermediate period for things to develop (and turn bad later).

On a different note, Seven-Day-Hot-Snow turned out to be feathers in episode 10 of Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora. I was assuming that would be the ashes from a big explosion or something ^ ^a

Please don't distribute without my permission.


I indulge myself with Suukei's charms.
Within this mana field is a world of only she and I.
I have even forgotten the fact that Suukei is mortal, and one day the time of departure will come inevitably.
As long as we are with each other, that is enough.
To hold hands and walk, to enjoy the cold breeze side by side.
And--to cuddle together at night.
These small things that repeat everyday have become my invaluable possessions.

These are not things I could have gained when staying at Mika sama's side.
When I am together with Suukei, everything else seems very distant--the master, or the battles between Absolute Angels.
I am intoxicated in such times.

However, even in my dreams, I wouldn't have guessed the way in which everything ended.

Part 9 fin

OK, before we go on to the anguishing later parts, here are the cover images of Kaon chan in the novel:

Now, tell me that you are ready for some serious pain...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 8)

Lethe's Note:


Please don't distribute without my permission.


"Then, I am counting on you."
I put on the sheet and sit still on the bed, with my body leaning forward and fingers curving. As Absolute Angel, no matter what pose is requested, I can stay put as long as mana has not been completely depleted.

She--Suukei, started waving her brush.

Suukei is her nickname*, a name after the God of Sun in Indian Mythology. Since she feels really shy about her true name, she hopes I can call her by this name instead. (* Rather than a nickname, it's more like a pseudonym. God of Sun in Indian Mythology is Surya (i.e. Suukei in Japanese. More information can be found here. After all, Hi-chan has to be Sun-related, doesn't she? ^_^)

If I am not mistaken, this is a name of a male God, isn't it? I raised my doubts. She replied that she adopted it because she liked the pronunciation.

"Can't I?" Suukei smiled.

No such things at all. If you like it this way, so be it.
Your real name, I will place it deep in my heart. It is my treasure, I will cherish it dearly.

Suukei-- what an elegant name.

"Then, once again, I am counting on you, Suukei."

When I called her so, she gave me a bashful grin.

Black as a crow moistening its feathers; white as white china; blue as water in a lake. Infinite colors blend together and have overflowed. On the canvas, my figure is slowly forming into its shape.

These are the colors of this world.

And it's not black and white. This world is filled with colors, sounds and brightness.
Such as-----
The green we see when two of us stroll on a small road. The sound of stream when we cross the river. The twinkling of stars we watch at night. Grass, trees, soil, water, birds, fire and wind, everything has their own pleasure.

The world where the two of us dwell in is so wonderful. All my senses are being satisfied. How can I even describe such happiness? I don't really know.

Suukei kept her brush dancing.
At these times, the gaze that she casts on me--and me exclusively-- is extremely passionate, which makes me very, very pleasant.
Suukei's eyes are usually placid, only now can I see her strong emotions and her keen look.
Like pure blue flames burning silently.

In fact, I don't know much about painting.
Suukei says it's like something is exploding from inside. But it is hard to put that "something" into exact words.
As I thought, these concepts are still too hard for me to understand.
No, even if I don't understand, it's not a big deal.
Suukei's work is absolutely important.
Myself drawn by Suukei. Murakumo no Kaon.

Just trying to imagine what kind of painting it would be, I could hear my loud heartbeat.
By her own rhythm, Suukei kept moving her brush.
Just then, almost unbelievably, she showed a troubled face for the first time.
"No matter which color I use, Kaon chan's image would be covered."
Sorry, it was my request in the beginning, but...
So she said, and then I saw her falling into frustration and sullenness.
And I, too, grew annoyed at myself who couldn't give her any suggestions.

I couldn't just sit still anymore.
I tried dropping the mana from my body like water droplets onto Suukei's drawing tools.
After that, Suukei turned quite cheerful.
"Yes! This is THE color I want!"
Suukei happily and innocently hugged me and cried out such words,
Looking at her, I couldn't help but think, if this were the real correct way to use mana, then I would have been so fortunate to be Absolute Angel.
Isn't it ridiculous and silly that I even thought so, for things like this? Yet I couldn't help but feel happy about it.

As my thoughts wandered, time passed and the sun sunk below the horizon.
Suukei put down her brush.
"Kaon chan, let's call it a day."
"Is it done already?"
"It will be fine. According to the current speed, we have plenty of time to finish it."
The initial honor form in the conversation now has disappeared. (* Suukei was using honor form speaking to Kaon chan in the beginning, which can't be easily shown in English)
This is the best proof that we have become closer.

Even after sunset, our time together wouldn't end.
Brief dinner time, and tea time following it.
Chatting in front of the furnace innocently.
Then at night, the two of us squeezed together into the same small and narrow bed. (*ah, my nose is bleeding)
So cramped......Suukei blushed and said sorry.
I embraced her. (* Someone call 911 for me please--)

Why do I love Suukei so much?
Why can't anyone else do, like my master, Mika sama?
Anyone would agree.
No matter what to compare, beauty, body proportion, wisdom, class, leadership, or power.
Suukei is not as good at any as Mika sama.
That is undeniable, but why?
Because she saved me?
No, that can't be the answer.
Because Mika sama is the one I owe my own life to.
She has even spent vast money and technologies, just to raise my abilities to the best.

Or am I attracted by Suukei's talent of drawing?
No, Mika sama has plenty of such mistresses.
They have been ordered to paint my portraits, and hang them up in Mika sama's private room.

Then is it her shining eyes? Her sweet voice? Her clumsy action? Or her slender figure?
No, it’s none of those.
Though even the thought is scary, but even if Suukei lost any of above, I…I would not have changed my love for her.

Why does it have to be Suukei, this petite, shy girl with shortcomings?


As I thought so, I reached to the side of pillow.
A picture book that Suukei made in her childhood was placed on the bookshelf.
The name of the book is “The Gold Axe and the Silver Axe”.
When the spirit of the spring asks the boy to take one back, he chooses not the gold axe nor the silver axe, but only his own iron axe. (*an iron axe and Hi-chan? Physically, I can't imagine them been alike ^ ^a)
To me, who has no childhood at all, this is fresh and interesting, but somehow also nostalgic.

Suukei is the missing piece of my heart.
Not to anyone else, only belonging to me.
That is something absolutely certain.
Destiny----maybe it is a cliched word, but I just can’t help thinking like that.
No matter how many incarnations we go through, we will for sure meet each other. No no, so far the two of us have been, and we will, too, in the future.
Yes----this must have been our destiny.
That’s why I can’t let go, and I don’t want to go.

So I pray in my heart.
May the cool breeze go on.
May we become even closer.
May we share each other's warmth.
And may I----stay as her angel.
God bless us.

(Part 8 fin)


Kaon chan is the biggest fan girl of Himiko-- or Suukei, according to her own wish :P

This part is the sweetest among the entire chapter, even more than KnM episode 10. However, this also means, the angst will start soon O_Q

I hope you liked it.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 7)

Lethe's Note:

The second half is up, after all ^ ^a Part 8 will be shorter, and part 9 really short. As least I won't be as busy next week...

Please don't distribute without my permission.


The sound of sizzling oil and the morning sunlight woke me up.
Different than that time. I am wearing a white shirt on myself right now.
Because it is her clothes, I feel a little tight around my chest.
It smells like flowers bathed in the sun.
Is this her smell?

I am getting up and starting to search for her.
In the kitchen, she is turning a frying pan.
It wasn't just a dream.

In the morning sunlight, she is wearing a white apron.
How can this scene be--so splendid?
A natural smile occurs from the curve of her lips, and it seems that she hasn't even realized it herself.
Her fluxing hair, her shining sweat, and her rosy cheeks.
All are very energetic.
I can watch you like this forever, you know.

When she noticed me, she stopped her hands, her face completely reddened.
"Ah, ah...ah...ano"
She fixed her position, backing up a little and bowed to me,
Like a puppy, or a child.
So very cute.
"Good...good morning."

This is the first time I hear her voice.
It is a voice clear and pure that splits the sky, a voice sweet as honey from flowers, like music to my ears.
" do you feel? Do you feel pain anywhere? Em, I can't call a doctor here, and I should have gone to the town, but...the road has been..."
"It's OK. I am fine."
Words have escaped my mouth just like that. Till now, I've had no other conversations with anyone but Mika sama.
So this is what is called a "conversation". And the wish to communicate with someone.

"Really, are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure."
It is the truth.
When I woke up this morning all fresh and clear, I have known it.
This is a peaceful morning without blur.
Therefore, I smiled at her with gratitude.
"Thank you for saving me."
She smiled quite happily.

Just then, her stomach made a small noise.
Is it because now she is relieved and at ease now?
"Sono...ano...excuse me..."
Hiding her face behind the apron, she apologized.
Please don't worry, I will never laught at you.
"Let's have breakfast"

And so she and I enjoyed our breakfast.
The bread was a little overcooked and burned,
The scrambled egg was a little too sweet.
The salad had a little too much water in it.
It is not even comparable to what Mika sama has shown me in the best restaurants.
Plus, I don't even need food.

However, I am delighted.
Because she cooked it for me.
If I use the phrase "very delicious" to express my feelings, that must be the right words. But I would like something more than that.
I asked if I could prepare the black tea after the meal.
Though it was my first time making it, she kept saying it was wonderful, which made me very happy.

She started to inform me of the current situation.
I am in a lake house among Academia's forest.
She is a student at North 61 School of Art, and she is staying here to work on an art to be shown in the Academia Festival. (*The same festival in episode 8.)
"So you are... an artist."
"No no, I am not professional. It is just something I like to do."
So she said, smiling.

She went on.
She has lost her parents since she was little, and grown up all by herself. Drawing and painting are the things she has confidence in.
She was walking by the lake, looking for some inspiration, when she found me floating along the river.
In order to catch me, she lost her cell phone in the river. The road was also blocked due to accidents, so she couldn't return to the town.

Such a slender body.
Trying her best, all for my sake.
All those mudded lounge and torn sleeves.
Obviously they are because of me.

"It is all my fault. I am sorry."
"Those ...those things don't matter, not at all."
She anxiously shakes her hand to deny it.
"Ah, I am sorry, I say things silly...what should I do, I, don't communicate well with people...but even so..."
"No, that's not true."
Anything you say, any sound you make, are really, really wonderful.
No matter how many times, I'd like to listen to it.

"Sono...etto, why are you here?"
To her question, I relied with a lie.
When I was travelling light by myself in Academia, I slipped and fell into the river, everything rushed away by the flow.
If thinking it over, anyone would know it is a lie.
However, she listened to it carefully as if it were true.
I struggled in between the guilt of telling her a lie and the wish of being accepted without doubts.

Absolute Angel, Mika sama, drawing people's mana.
I couldn't bring myself to tell her any of these truths.
Why is that?
I am Mika sama's Absolute Angel, now that I am fine, I should have returned immediately.
I should have.
Why would I do something like this?
As I kept on speaking, I was asking myself this question.
I don't dislike that girl. (*Kawaii Kaon chan. To like is to like, she had to say "I don't dislike". That's just cute Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting)
I want to be with her.
----Therefore, at last.
"If it doesn't bother you, can I stay here for a little while?"

So I said.
Would it be allowed?

"There is plenty of food and water, and it is also convenient without luggage. And, really, ..."
"We have just met. It would be a shame to part like this immediately..."
"Why is that?"
"Because...your hair, your style, your everything is so pretty, sparkling like a miss, a princess-- no, almost like a real angel."
Her face was red to her ears. Yet, she was trying her best to express herself.

"Last night, sono, I seem to have dreamed..."
"A dream, what kind?"
"In it...sonoo...we...we two..."
"We two?"
"I am sorry. I mustn't have been clear-minded."
She bowed as she spoke.

It must be the kiss.
Of course she would react like that. Who would have thought that she would be kissed by someone she met on the first day, and also a girl?
It can't be helped. I am the bad one.
Maybe just a, though bad, it's still better not to tell her anything right now.
One day, when two of us have spent days together and gotten closer, I will tell her the truth and apologize to her.
When that time comes, will she allow me to do it?
Our kiss will be connected with heartbeats from both of us -- will that day ever arrive?

"In any case, I was thinking--if this person could become my figure drawing model, how beautiful would the picture be..."
"Do you want me to be your model?"
"Ah, I am sorry! Saying such a weird thing out of nowhere, I..."
"It's OK. I would like to."
"Just take it as my appreciation for letting me staying here. The is the least I can do for you."
"But, is it really OK?"
"Thank you very much!"

She beamed happily, ah ah,--as dazzling as the sun.

"Then, nice to meet you, etto..."
Talking about which, I haven't self-introduced yet.
"Murakumo Kaon." (*Murakumo would be the last name, in the way Kaon introduced herself.)
"Kaon... Kaon...chan?"

It was the first time I have been called so.
Though from a small and clumsy tongue, it sounded so warm, so nostalgic, as if it had been determined a thousand years ago.
I felt really, really happy about it.

"Ah, I am sorry to call you 'chan' all of a's impolite"
She apologized again.
"That's fine. You can call me the way you want to."
"I'll be happier that way, too. Please."
"I, I understand."

She answered awkwardly.
I don't want her to be so rigid and uncomfortable.
Am I that scary?
I feel a little uneasy.
I will be gentle, be even gentler, as if wrapping a butterfly in my palms.

"What is your name?"
"Ah, that's right...ano, I am..."
For some reason, she withdrew herself again.
"What's the matter?"
She told me in a diminishing voice.
In the past, unsympathetic classmates made fun of her name, and since then she hasn't been used to introducing her own name in front of people.
It may be a laughingstock for anyone, but it is very important to her.

"I see...I guess that can't be helped then..."
It can't be helped. I don't want to oppose her wish.
"...No...I will tell you. I would like you to know it."
That must be the proof of her kindness and trust.
"Thank you."
Words jumped out of my mouth.
Even when I was talking to Mika sama, that blur implies that those words, always carefully chosen, are all lies.
The real ones would flow like this.
Yes, these must be what I have truly wanted to say, what I have truly in my heart.

In a voice that I could hardly hear, she told me her real name.
A plain, ordinary name, yet very suitable for her.
I carved happiness into her name.
More than Mika sama's, more than my own, I would always, always respect this name.

I sealed the hut with my mana field.
To separate dimensions is also one kind of powers Absolute Angels have.
What is in this field will not be detected by anyone outside.
This will do.
From now on, this will be my--our home.
And so, our daily life has begun.

(Part 7 fin)


Uetake Sumio (植竹須美男) san, the series design for Kannazuki no Miko as well as Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora, is the author for this novel. And certainly, I can feel his love for Chikane/Himeko or Kaon/Himiko pair in the novel. It is too bad that both Kaishaku (the manga author) and KnM staff would like to make a KnM sequel, but it is somehow against the company's policy and the request was turned down.

Being supporting actresses in Kyoshiro anime, the past of those two can hardly be displayed----and even Himiko gets a little more screen time than the previous yuri-queen (2006 yamibo yuri champion). A long sigh for Kaon chan. I'll cross my fingers for the moment when they decide to make Kaon's Helix into OVA... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

OK, complaints aside. Back to the novel, after all, Uetake san didn't tell us the real name of Himiko, only Kaon chan knows. There are again, many details we can refer to KnM. Like "a thousand years ago" has to do with miko's reincarnation, Chi...Kaon being called "chan" at the first time they meet, Himiko feeling awkward about it ^_^

I've found it interesting that Kaon chan lied about herself in order to be with her Himiko. After all, no one ever taught her how to lie, and I don't think any other Absolute Angel, given this situation, would think so far to lie about it. Of course I understand her feelings in this case. Still, the power of love is surely amazing Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, March 9, 2007


之前看见作画监督是韩国人就觉得不妙的,果然中间有部分变形很严重= =



是说之前再调整那多次也只发光而已的,这次竟然见血了 =皿=

倒是日美子之前拖歌音,这次拖大提琴,估计也练出来了,说不定之后两人生活, 她才是去拖煤气罐的那个(殴)





大神君作为京四郎动画中唯二不招人讨厌的男子(另一位是苍二郎),尽忠职守的做好了“好人王”这个大有前途的职业!让我们为他鼓掌!! 这回估计就这么公伤退场了





小日居然不只会弹,还会修大提琴@ @


[生活]第一次现场NBA职业篮球赛观战简记:Rockets vs Celtics--姚明GO GO!

这场是星期三的波士顿主场,因为Celtics出了名的衰(辉煌那是二三十年前了Orz),我们一共4人才能在一日内买到票 结果是不出所料的波士顿80:108输了。。。

如愿见到姚明很高兴,虽然他旧伤刚愈,这场就不少foul trouble,每1/4场都是上来没5分钟就被人诱导犯规(尤其是栽赃嫁祸的41号= =),然后被教练换下场= =|||



话虽这么说,我还是在支持着姚明/火箭队 本来也就是为着姚明去的。。。

结果整场比赛都很精彩,中间的舞者(Celtics Dancers)也很火辣 完全没有冷场XD






Tuesday, March 6, 2007

[第一回]关键字解答(Keyword Search Response)

fc2有的,google果然也有。 不过之前没看到就是Orz

1. 日美子 歌音


2. kaon himiko novel

Enjoy~ You can probably find it better with just Kaon/ Kyoshiro :)

3. simoun 阿艾尔


4. 輕舔絲絨 fingersmith 荆棘之城 tipping the velvet sarah waters 南茜情史 英文小说

Sarah Waters的书评一类意外的逮到不少人wwwww

5. »ðÐÇÎÄ


6. forgettingriver

好奇我这里为何要叫这个名字吗?其实是lethe不能注册的缘故啦= =|||
forgettingriver=lethe=忘川=我用的懒得换的ID ^ ^a

7. kannazuki no miko 结局 评论


8. 苗木野空喜欢谁


9. venus versus virus字幕

我收的YA。 是说根本没什么组在做这个吧?

10. 宮樣 小受


11. 秋葉原 旅遊 18禁

在期待什么啊看官1s (准备出拳中)


12. fingersmith 指匠情挑 翻译


13. tipping the velvet 一季

Tipping the velvet 一共3集,和Fingersmith一样。我在网上找这个片子的时候,记得英文原版的dvdrip在eMule上有人分享,比中文字幕的rmvb全。

14. aria drama 换人


15. statue chikane

There are pictures of Chikane and Himiko's Statue on Kaishaku's BLOG
But no way are they available before April/May of this year. Though not as good as I have expected, I will certainly try to get them when they are available.

16. 高山南drama


17. 灯里由乃


18. 黑灯里由乃


19. 京色狼和永远花痴


20. 碎蜂 川上 演技

川上的碎蜂一流! 非常有外表硬冷,内心火热的味道,吐字方式也很特殊,哭腔尤其动人www

21. 百合會pbbs

请查300, 我是这么叫百合会的~

22. aria 同人誌


23. 京四郎与永远的空 结局

相信会是好结局! 三华例外O_Q

24. 樱花发源地


25. 姬攻千歌音 姬宫千歌音

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

26. 克里斯 "大運動會"小明


27. 田中敦子


28. 神无月chikane no theme


29. 姬宮為何 安希的劍 少女革命

啥??? 好好问问题嘛(殴)

30. 不被祝福的 后悔的爱 千歌音

拿第7话二之首的台词来查什么的? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 千歌音的爱也许是不被世人祝福的,但是她显然没有后悔(远目)

31. 林原 めぐみ接班人


32. 交响情人梦 川澄 声音


33. front innocent µÚ2¼¯


34. faith 神无月

小废,归你了Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

34. 舞乙hime ova第三话

还没出哪!等着吧Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

35. fate stay night 中的剑的说明 "英文网站 "

Try this one

36. 天道霞 恋声


37. 圣母ova2动漫花园不做


38. petite princess yucie


39. happy birthday 川澄綾子 歌词


40. 神无月的巫女 乙羽 声优表


Monday, March 5, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 6)

Lethe's Note:

I'd like to mention a few things I found out about the difference of color codes in the novel and the anime. As described earlier, in the novel, Kaon's hair and eyes are black, not blue; Himiko's ribbon is red just like Himeko's; and Himiko's hair color is called "kuri iro" which, in novels /fanfics usually is used for brown/blond, but in drawings/ html code it is actually maroon (color code 762f07). (Btw, Himiko's eye color's html code is 8E453F.) As I am much more comfortable with Himiko's hair being light brown/blond, I am taking the tradition of novels in this case. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting It's not that important though ^ ^a especially compared to what Kaon chan's doing in this part 6......

Please don't distribute without my permission.


When the moonlight sheds in, I am awake.
This is a furnace-equipped room.
There are a small palette and Turpentine oil.
A pure white canvas.
Flowers, fruits and french bread.
A small bed with a white sheet.
There is also a pillow, and--
An angel sleeps on it.

Light brown hair.
With a big red ribbon.
Long eyelashes.
I can feel her warmth through the thin blanket.
I can hear her smooth breathing sounds in my ears.
That girl--my angel--.

My heart is beating fast yet peaceful.
My cheek is burning hot.
However, this has nothing to do with the blur.
Probably because, I have touched the world.
I have encountered the missing piece that mends my black wounds, the very existence that can lead me through the abyss,

Now I am truly alive, no matter where I might be in this world.

So this is what it is like----.
A heart that desires more than anything, anyone.
A person far more important than myself.
Even a promise to protect you for ever and ever will not be enough.
This is the information that I've never heard from anybody.
This is my affection.
This is my love.

There is no explanation for it--and that is not important anyway.
Love at first sight.
At the moment we met, regardless of age, sex, situation, surpassing all right or wrong, good or evil, the destined love has begun.
This must be--

And then, something sudden and warm in my palm brought me back to my senses.
Touching my face, I am astonished.
Are these, tears?

Am I crying?
I, who is not supposed to be a human?

I anxiously wipe away my tears.
I can't believe it. All this is happening just because I could meet her.
No......I can't let it shown......
If she sees my crying face, I will be way too embarassed.

As I am trying my best to hold back my tears, I place my eyes on her.
Hurry up, hurry up and open your eyes.
Let me hear your voices.
Let me see your smiles.
What do you like?
Hurry up and teach me.
If not--...I...

I am filled with such thoughts.
A whirlwind is hurling inside me.
This emotion hits me like a flower storm of aroma and sweetness, so strongly that my mind fails to restrain it.

I want to kiss her.

However, she and I are both girls.
No, except that, I am not even a human being.
I am an Absolute Angel who draws away people's lives.

If I would hurt her. If that would ever happen......

My conscience is suppressing the howls of my heart.
My feelings to desire and seek.
My feelings to withdraw and refuse.
All of them have blended inside me. Whirlwind and whirlwind.
Even so, my body has acted on its own, as if manipulated by a puppeteer.

Slowly, I move closer to her cheek.
I hold my breath down like a thief. (*I am sorry, but I laughed at this sentence)
I lift her up in my arms, gently as if holding flowers.
My fast beating heart is fighting against the guilty idea.

I hereby pray with all my heart.
If there would be God for even someone like me.
If this would be allowed.
I would give my body, my arms--everything I have for it.
Please let me realize my wish.

And thenーーーー
I kissed her lips wholeheartedly.

She has fulfilled me.
My heart, once a desert devoid of life, now is being irrigated with happy spring water, flourishing and overflowing.
Full of happiness. Like a green, fertile plain.
Bliss. Sweetness. Indulgence. .......Even if I connect all the nouns I know, I cannot express this joyfulness.
This moment is eternality.

And so, she opens her eyes.
Looking at me, with her maroon eyes.

No dislike, nor refusal.
Her hand reaches around my back.

It is so fortunate.
She is the one that God permits.
My destined love.

Because we have encountered as we were supposed to, because this was the first, real, hearty kiss.
That must be why I didn't lose to the fate of Absolute Angels. (*Note this paragraph implies an important reasoning for... Part 10--I know it's still a bit far)

Blur has disappeared.
I can finally be myself.
Happy and worry-free, I start to feel tired.
And so I fall into the land of sound sleep.

(Part 6 fin)



Dangerous! Hi-chan! It's dangerous to pick up a stranger like a stray cat! You never know if she is someone who would steal your kiss while you are asleep _________OTL

I especially like the setting of ..."a small bed". If you know what I mean :p
Kaishaku actually mentioned in their journal that Himko is quite a shy and inward person without too many friends at all. To let a stranger sleep with her in the same bed on the first day they meet... she must have felt Kaon chan to be very special, too. I am sure you can see the resemblance of this first kiss compared to that in Kannazuki no Miko. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Part 7 is quite long (and juicy). I'll probably release the first half of it in a few days.

Friday, March 2, 2007


第7话就算了,love love的第8话我也没写,真是对不住偶的小日啊!








歌音你终于轮到两句台词了,好好。。。不过下话的又该没有着落了T T
绪方台词好多www staff是不是要把钱赚回来啊wwwww
