Sina Weibo

Friday, December 30, 2005

2006,新年快乐!!! 及杂谈



接着2004这百合动画大行其道的一年(圣母、圣母春、神无月、舞HiME、学园爱丽丝、魔法少女奈叶、KS OVA1),2005年不仅是继承和延续,而且是声优的百合年(啥)。

动画的百合度或许还比不上2004,但也有HiME后半、极上生徒会、莓乱扔、ARIA、魔法少女奈叶A's、舞乙HiME、KS OVA2,还有非主线的(或打擦边球)LOVELESS、FMP TSR、BLEACH,还有几部纯为商业化加上百合情节的我就不提了。连制作方都明白,只要百合沾边的都能大卖。时代已经不一样了啊!在资深百合迷(我可以这样说自己吧XD)看来,开心的同时,更希望能多出精品,千万不要重蹈当年BL类作品滥而不精的复辙啊!!!

年初1月26日tiaraway宣布解散,tiaraway终成tear away;









Fate/Stay Night:1月7日凌晨1:30 每周六

かしまし:1月11日凌晨1:30 每周三



Strawberry Panic

ARIA 第2季

School Rumble 第2季








Tuesday, December 27, 2005



其实我不久前才开始注意一些川上姐姐的资料:34岁、东京人、喜欢户外活动、滑雪,特技是钢琴(我很吃了一惊,居然和川澄姐姐一样,难怪两人都去演Piano。。。XDDD)不仅有自己的radio,在radio里还戴过兔耳(汗)、还有cosplay过观铃OTL 这点和对这些事情都不屑一顾的川澄很不一样吧(笑)不过我发现的一件最扼腕的事就是---川上姐姐2001年6月有来过AnimExpo啊!!!她居然是美国每年最大的动漫展最先请的guest之一----错过那次机会的我,不知道什么时候才有可能见到她了呢。。。。。。

今年我对川上姐姐的印象变化很大。在我心中,川上姐姐一直是以天上ウテナ、进藤光、罗塞特等角色为代表的元气少女/少年型声优;虽然说也有克里丝克里丝托夫这样的更加男性化,和Elfen Lied里最后死得很惨的某标准loli这样的人物,不过印象都不深。


AIR TV-神尾观铃


久川绫的晴子阿姨也是真正good job!顺便一提她最近老是接些妈妈级的角色,像晴子和Lindy提督,极上生徒会里兰堂的母亲。。。唯一例外的只有我的女神里的老三,不过这是老角色的新片,算不上新角色。别告诉我现在久川定型做人妻了OTL 她的声音就好认多了,从第一句话我就听了出来(汗)不过这一点也不妨碍我看这部动画的投入程度。12话里久川的台词太多了这一点我也同意,但这是导演编剧的错不是吗?久川和川上的合作都有质量保证的XDDD

AIR movie风格差很多(不是新的夏季篇,那个我还没看),以莫名奇妙的爱情故事为主线(汗)看不看本来无所谓的,之所以提出来是想说一下川上在movie中的声音和TV中完全不同呢!(说到这点,少革TV和movie中她也用了稍微不同的声音哦)我还是更喜欢TV里的声音,但是对川上姐姐的敬业精神越发佩服了(心)


Bleach唯一看过的这两话,我100%是冲着川上去看的。碎蜂的硬硬冷冷的声音,略嫌古怪的句速(这肯定是Bleach本身的步调问题。。。),又是另一种崭新感觉的川上XDDD 难得的是还要用这种声线配出可爱的loli时代,120%的小受感觉的小碎蜂。。。。。。等到那句“为什么那时不带我一起走”的经典台词出现的时候,做好了全副心理准备的我还是被彻彻底底的萌到了:这种终于在自己心爱的人面前沦陷崩溃的感觉,这种撕心裂肺的痛哭,除了川上不做第2人想~~~


今年川上姐姐的第2个百合角色哦!而且让我的下巴又一次掉了下来。。。。。。雅典娜这个角色,应该说是迷迷糊糊的御姐型吧?温柔的声音自不必说,我印象最深的倒是雅典娜每回出糗的那几声“诶~”“诶~~” 她在第1季里戏不多,而且总是在奇怪的地方抖到我OTL


每话都会出现,说着英文的粗嗓门辛迪,总是让我笑很大XDDD 还有川上自己客串的出场两话不到,粗口说了一箩筐的爆笑母亲。让我更加惊讶的是有些台词甚至是川上自己即兴的表演。。。啊啊啊~~首次领略到川上姐姐的恶搞功力OTL




这部是老片了,不过我今年才有机会看到第1话OTL 而且后面的还在寻找中。。。
妻子好奇老公的录像带里有什么(还能有什么= =;;;),正在看的时候老公回来了,因此有了上面的一幕(哈哈哈)




Friday, December 23, 2005


creditless opening
creditless ending
Chika no Character Song PV
Miu no Character Song PV
Matsuri no Character Song PV


Thursday, December 22, 2005






Translator’s notes

1. Hi sama/Tsuki sama
In the original text, Himeko and Chikane in their last lives are called by “the sun” and “the moon” followed by a respectful suffix for their positions (usually equal to high government officers). I chose to translate them to Japanese, as “hi” is the sun, “tsuki” is the moon, and “sama” is the corresponding way in Japanese. There are a few other occasions when I used Japanese roman words rather than English, but I think they are all easy to understand. As I was translating the story, I could almost hear Kawasumi Ayako and Shitaya Noriko’s voices…”Hi sama” “Tsuki sama”…^_^

2. Ame no Murakumo/Orochis, etc
Just a reminder for people, those are all original terms in the anime. Chikane’s horse’s name is changed to “Chasing Sun” in this fanfiction, as is loyally translated.

3. Otobashi shrine: Otobashi is the name of Chikane and Himeko’s campus in the anime.

4. Tenses
To show the time difference, I used passive tense for the stories in the last life and present tense in this life.


Final Chapter

Silence falling upon, the barren and infertile land saddened the current scene even more.

Her hand trembled fiercely with the katana, whose silver blade kept reflecting its owner’s pale and despaired looks.

On the moon, witnessed by the deserted shrine, only she and Hi sama were still standing.

The decisive battle had been over, but people’s haunting screams and shrieks still lingered around her ears.

Worn out, she kneeled down on the ground. Supported solely by the cursed blade, she managed not to fall completely.

Then a pair of familiar arms gently circled her into a warm embrace.

“……Are you fine?” Hi sama spoke softly with her tender voice, smoothing the dark long hair of the hugged girl comfortingly.

She nodded silently. She was still gripping that two-handed sword with her right hand, as if it had become one with her body and were never to be let go again.

And her free left hand held tightly on Hi sama, since this girl had long been one with her soul, too, and were not to be let go easily.

“All over now……Orochis……and everyone……” She sobbed, “If I could have tried harder, if I had been stronger……I could, I could have saved them……”

Hi sama sighed by her ear. Her tea-colored hair, soft and smelling so nice just like its owner, lightly stroke her cheeks, consoling her sorrow.

“The kind Juuiki……” Hi sama’s nose caressed her face, her delicate voices containing a clear lingering. “ The Juuiki who wants to protect everyone……”

She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth and understanding from Hi sama.

“Do you think you did not try hard enough?” Said Hi sama in an unusually calm tone.

“Em.” She nodded, self-blaming.

“Do you think that everyone was innocent and their lives shouldn’t have been sacrificed like that?” Still hugging her, Hi sama asked kindly.

“Em.” She nodded harder.

“Do you want to……” The hand smoothing her hair stopped, and she detected a sudden change in Hi sama’s tone. “……let everything return to its original state, and let everyone survive and live in happiness?”

A little suspicious about why Hi sama croaked, she still answered firmly, “Yes, I do.”

“……Is that so……” Hi sama murmured, a light smile appearing on her face.

Those shining purple eyes were filled with her images alone, she couldn’t help looking at them infatuatedly.

Without notice, a mask carved strangely appeared in Hi sama’s hands. “Juuiki, remember what I told you last night?” Said Hi sama in her sweetest voice, her affectionate expressions bloomed like splendid peony flowers.

She stared at that casual smiling face in astonishment.

“I said, ‘after today, I will devote myself to you’……” Passing the mask with both hands to the other girl, Hi sama continued softly, “ ‘This is not only a promise, but also my wish.’”

“----What do you mean by that?” No, this was not right. Something, something horrible was going to happen. She clearly smelt the atmosphere spreading in the air turning heavy and freezing. “I don’t understand what you are saying.”

/I didn’t WANT to understand, either. / Hi sama’s smiling face made her almost break to tears.

With a feeble sigh, Hi sama explained slowly and patiently, like a teacher explaining to a five-year-old. “There have been no record after Orochis’ defeat, because the priests didn’t want it known by people how much cruel sacrifices their respected mikos had to make to protect the world peace for the mankind----”

Just by touching this limpid-eyed girl, Hi sama could feel a violently oscillating heat source from her fingertips. This heat flew throughout her body and entered her soul, which had been calling for warmth and freedom forever.

“----We are mikos of the sword; we hurt with the sword, also will be hurt by the sword, because everything has its price to pay for…… I am ready to take this condition, and you---- ” Hi sama clasped the young miko’s hand, assisting her to lift the attached blade. “You, the noble Miko of the moon, should also choose to pay something to protect this world, shouldn’t you?”

To pay everything.

She knew what Hi sama meant, she knew that Hi sama was aware of her determination to give up everything to protect this world.

“----So you must do it, as it is the fate of Mikos of the godless month----” Hi sama reinforced her hand and her nails fallen deep in her back of hand. “Use my life to restore the world.”

“NO!” She jerked the petite girl away. “That kind of things----how can I, how COULD I----” Her violently shaking hands, however, were still holding tightly the shaft, unable to throw it away, which made her so sick that she felt like vomiting.

“You have to, that’s why you were born.”

“I was born to HELP you!”

“To help me purify this world.”

“NO!” She shouted with all her might, “NO! IT IS NOT LIKE THAT! I WAS NOT BORN FOR THIS----THIS……” Tears flooded over her face, but she didn’t even notice it. “I WAS NOT BORN TO KILL YOU……”

Hi sama stood up. Staring at the mask for a few seconds, she raised her head and looked at those anguishing blue eyes quite imposingly and frankly. “We have tried this hard, for this long, with this much lost, would you rather make it all for nothing?”

A sign of disapproval and disappointment showed up on Hi sama’s cool and determined face.

She bit her lips so hard that a taste of blood diffused into her mouth and spread at her tongue tip. “Then take MY life----” Waving her bright purple katana, she placed it right against her own neck.

Hi sama quivered,as if she were going to dash forward to stop her。

“Please kill me, and use my life to purify this world----”

“There will be no use even if I kill you.” The cold voice effectively cut through her words.

As she peered in surprise, Hi sama maintained her indifferent, profound looking. “You are no longer a virgin. At the moment when you lost your virginity, you have also lost your eligibility of being a sacrifice.”

As the truth was revealed coldly by Hi sama, there had never been any moment when she felt so shameful of, or disgusted by her own body.

“That’s why you……it is because of this, you, you and me……” She couldn’t even put words together. What Hi sama and she did last night, those caressing and embraces, those intimacy and kisses, what were they, after all?

Those hands tenderly touching every inch of her skin, those eyes affectionately appreciating each of her virgin territories, those words of love and adoration, those droplets of tears……

Why on earth did all those things happen?

“Juuiki,” Hi sama agonized. “Please don’t doubt my feelings for you. This is more unacceptable to me than our arranged destiny.”

The petite young miko walked to her. “We have both made our choices. Maybe you can’t forgive or understand me, however, the only thing you shouldn’t doubt is----” Hi sama stood on her toes and left a light kiss on her familiar, warm lips. “My heart for you.”

The kiss brought a bloody taste mixed with tears and the iron blade. Hi sama sympathetically licked those wounded lips of her companion with her tongue.

However, there was nothing she could do to help that wounded heart. She could only repose her hope to the unclear future, and pray with her life that the to-be-forgotten memory would no longer hurt this innocent, good girl.

“The sun exists so that the moon would shine……And I, was born in this world so that you can live on.”

The icy, hard mask was lightly put on her face, as a small hand gently lifted her hand with the blade.

“We both should finish what we are supposed to do……This is the mission of us mikos……”

A feeble but fully understanding voice irrigated her mind.

“Wish you……can live happily in a peaceful world……”

Howling like a beast, she darted forward, almost losing her mind. Her hands clasping the shaft were burning like flames.

“My Juuiki……” As the blade was thrust deep into the soft body falling into her arms, her strange mask also fell down. “……my moon……”

Hi sama, smiling weakly and not showing the slightest sign of pain, extended her forceless, blood-drenched hand to caress her teary face. There wasn’t any pain on Hi sama’s face. “Thank you for making me grateful of this destiny……”

For the last time, Hi sama embraced her tenderly. “……Thank you……for letting me live once for real……”

More hot tears sprang out of her eye sockets, dripping on the ground and soon disappearing. Even they seemed to understand a life passing way, and to be grieving in their own way.

She drooped and kissed lightly on those slightly bloody lips, she whispered softly, “……Love you, my warmest sun.”

“----With a miko’s life presented by another miko’s hands, the world shall be purified again----“ A voice came from an unknown source appeared, “You shall reincarnate into another being……to live in the new world, Miko of the moon……”

“……I will not forget……” She looked up, teary eyes emitting cold, darting blue light. “……I will not forget who has made me murder the one I love the most.” Betrayed by her own belief, her resentful eyes were as freezing and piercing as the never-melting ice.

Silence and solemnness surrounded her again completely, taking her away from the only warm and bright existence, dragging her cruelly apart from the other half of her soul.

And she would not forget. Never.

In the next life, she swore, this scene would never occur once again. The purple katana would not have a chance to be stuck inside of Hi sama.

She would never forget who ruthlessly isolated the sun and the moon with day and night.

Silver rays of light shine brilliantly from the seal on her back, which is burning so much that Chikane’s vision blurs.

She quietly stares at the kissing boy and girl at the sea, her heart swollen with all the pain and sorrow accumulated over a thousand years. That eternal love makes her unable to breathe, nor to move her eyes away from them.

“I see…… So this is……how it is……” Chikane lowers her head and shows a bitter smile. Caressing the mane of “Chasing Sun”, she murmurs, “I see……”

The horse tamely follows the control of its master, cantering back the same way as it came by. The night breeze from the sea passes over all the living things in nature gently and swiftly,like the cool wind in the Godless month always does.

It loyally stays and equally embraces everything in the human world, even in the days without gods.

Everything that’s good and bad, everyone who’s happy and sad. Each good and evil, each love and hatred.

…… In the days when Gods are missing, Mikos of the sun and the moon. with their pure minds and firm beliefs in possession, always selflessly guard and protect the common world, till the eternity…….
In the legends, they take their turns to dye their thread of thousand-year destiny with each other’s blood, tying them tightly together, for the eternity……

======= The End of The Solitary Moon Arching over the Sky=======


It has been my very first translation work and so far, probably my longest writing, too. It had take me more than two months to do it, a now-and-then amateur work of course, and I hope that my style didn’t change too much over times = =;; It has been a lot of fun on the way, mixed with occasional dilemmas, and now it is finally done.

I would like to thank the staff of Kannaduki no Miko for the excellent plot and sharp characters that this story is based on.

I have to thank the author, Faith (FaithKasume), her work stimulated me into doing something as crazy as translating a 24-page Chinese fanfiction. She generously permitted my urge to work on one of her masterpieces and provided many valuable suggestions along the process. Thank Nitro for the very beautiful illustrations, which are but a few out of many inspired by Faith’s famous work.

At last, thank you who finished reading all of it, I wish that you had enjoyed it just like I did!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Chapter Two

某忘:Feedback please......



[Fanfiction-Kannaduki no Miko] The Fantasy of Last Life II—The Solitary Moon Arching over the Sky

Chapter Two

She straightened her back and stretched her arms, aiming at the black center of target with her sharp, cold eyes.

An arrow shot out, flying straightforward towards the goal.

It missed the center and hit on the edge of the target.

She furrowed her dark brows knowingly, releasing a weak sigh from her perfect ruddy lips.

“The purpose of archery practices is not just for you to shoot precisely at the center of target, but to train you in gaining concentration, and eventually reach the ultimate stage of ‘Null’.” Her master urged her as usual, also with a sigh.

“……Yes, master.”

So she agreed. However, she had been puzzled; what was “Null”? Did it mean not having any thoughts in one’s mind? Yet she was a human, full of thoughts like everyone else who lived in this world, wasn’t she?

Maybe she was not suitable to learn archery。

“Let’s stop here for today, maybe you should settle down your mind tonight.”

“Yes, master, thank you for your guidance.”

She couldn’t help feeling guilty and self-blaming, as she watched the back of her master staggering out of the dojo. She was fully aware that, no matter how many nights she were given, she could never achieve the state of “Null” as the master wished.

Because her heart had been swelling with a special one. Silently collecting her bow and arrows, she stepped back to her dorm, frustrated.

She didn’t know since when that pretty and gentle face had been co-existing synchronously with her own heartbeat. What she herself felt incredible was, how could she experience a non-stopping, turbulent yearning crying out loud from deep inside her soul, even if she were staring right into the other pair of eyes?

What on earth was it that she wanted, needed, and longed for?

“Ah! Have you finished your practices?” As soon as she ***ed the dorm door, this exact gently smiling face welcomed her. With a slightly bitter smile, she closed her eyes hopelessly.

This, was all that she wanted and needed--this person here—Hi sama, her welcoming tender eyesight and smile.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,”

Since a few days ago, they started to gather together after their individual long evening lessons. At first it was because she held a pile of books to consult Hi sama about legends, and then, soon they seemed to have a silent agreement that they would always talk to each other about what happened during the day before bed.

Sometimes, they just sat face to face without any redundant words。Hi sama would quietly read the books she brought, and she would quietly look at Hi sama.

Simple as this, it would enrapture her with exploding ecstasy. What “Null”--that was like Arabian nights to her.

“……The hand you wounded yesterday, is it fine now?” Hi sama gently pulled the young lady to sit down, her fondling fingers stroke lightly on the layers of gauze.

A shockwave of sensations pierced through the hindrance of gauze and still thrilled her body and soul. “Ye…Yes, it no longer aches.”

Hi sama loosened up with a satisfying smile, “That is great……”

Unexpectly, Hi sama took her wounded palm to her lips. “ My……Tsuki’s hand, I don’t want it ever hurt again.”

She blushed momentarily. “I, I will be careful.” Hi sama was a little strange tonight. She hadn’t been someone fond of caresses.

“Juuiki……I’ve been wishing to ask you----” Not letting go of her hand, Hi sama pull her closer with force instead. Now both of them could see clearly their reflections in each other’s eyes. “Do you wish to protect this world?”

What question was this? She doubtfully faced the other young lady. “It is our mission……is it not?” Hi sama’s smooth and warm breath was blowing on her face, this feeling was so wonderful that she wanted to become even closer, just a little bit more.

“Without this mission, do you still want to protect this world?......No matter what you have to sacrifice, no matter how much pain you have to withstand?” Hi sama questioned in a low voice, her mysterious, profound eyes seemed to be leading her, leading her to explore her true self。

Would she? She pondered. If she were not the chosen one by God, would she still wish to protect this world?

If not, how would Hi sama be? She would be alone, always, always alone. Her heart suffered a terrible piercing pain; she did not want to see an all-by-herself Hi sama.

She wanted to protect this world, so that Hi sama could happily live thereafter.

“Aye, I do.” She answered firmly, as she seriously and candidly looked into those purple eyes.

Hi sama smiled slightly, and something shining filled her eyes. That was a sorrowful expression, with an ultimate comprehension。

A very, very heart-wrenching expression.

She extended the other hand and caressed Hi sama’s cheek. “Did I say something wrong?”

“You only stated the answer I had known.” Softly replying, Hi sama rubbed her cheek against the warm palm, lingeringly. “……I adore you hand, always so warm, so considerate……just like you.”

Before she could think of any silly sentences, Hi sama had leaned forward and kissed her. Those soft and sweet lips enwrapped Hi sama’s smell, conveying entirely tranquil and comfortable feelings, just like a shower of afternoon sunshine.

It felt like as if after a century of wandering, she finally found the place where she belonged. Her hands, after being released, spontaneously rounded that young miko’s waist. She also allowed her lips to take over the control of her body, letting them be eagerly sought and kissed.

At the same time, she also permitted them to respond the kiss with her equivalent feelings.

“……Juuiki……” Hi sama’s delicate voice turned more bewitching with her short breaths. “……I love you……”

She sensed that Hi sama’s petite and soft breasts closely clinging to her own, her scented female body slowly moving in her arms, inflaming her by rubbing up and down against hers.

Kisses came to her neck, when Hi sama, laughing delightfully, licked her sensitive skin with the hot tip of her tongue, she could only melt down onto the floor.

Hi sama immediately pressed her body on top against hers. “I love you, Juuiki……You know it, right?” The bright golden hair streamed down and scattered in front of her chest, mingling with her own deep-colored hair.

She nodded hesitatingly, still unable to find her regular rhythms of heartbeats and breath.

Those shimmering purple eyes were as deep as valleys……Hi sama bent down and kissed her again. She considerately supported her own weight by one hand, while agilely sliding her other hand up along her waist.

She had never seen Hi sama like this. Insuppressible desires were burning like blazes, but she couldn’t tell where and when the flames were ignited.

Her miko suit was taken off readily. And then what covered her own was Hi sama’s half exposed body, as a pleasant moan managed to escape from her throat.

“……Always so gentle, so kind, Juuiki……love you----” Hi sama just exerted a little force with her waist, and she knowingly ***ed her legs, allowing Hi sama’s claim.

Even biting her lower lip, she still could not prevent her delightful panting.

“My Juuiki, my moon……” Hi sama raised her head and looked steadily into that pair of innocent, assuring blue eyes. Then she smiled gently, lowered down her head and kissed on her forehead. “……My warmest light……”

“----Hi sama, um----”

She wanted to say something, to tell this person how much she adored her. However, her abilities of thinking and speaking were lost in Hi sama’s non-stopping kisses, one after another. Her body also began to respond by instinct. Legs winding with legs, lips fondling with lips, their moist skins made their heated bodies sticking even tighter, even more inseparable.

“My moon……” Whispered Hi sama as she licked her earlobe with the tip of her tongue, those familiar small hands dictatorially exploring the private place that she had never let anyone in. “Love you----”

That voice was choking and weak. Was it because of the fierce affection or ……She turned her head around and saw, to her surprise, Hi sama’s face streaming with tears.

“Loved you always……” A deep, long kiss distracted her from a trifle pain as her body was entered.

Hi sama’s tears wet her face and slid into their lips. For a moment, she couldn’t distinguish if it was the keen kiss, or those hot tears that was making her own lips burning.

At this very moment when they united, she, however, felt as if Hi sama were at a very far distance----a distant place that even tight embraces and intimate fondling could never reach.

"Sorry......" She murmured, "I am sorry......" Tears slid down her eye sockets, and she knew this pain did not belong to herself.

Hi sama softly smoothed her own hair moisturized by sweat and hugged her gently and indulgently. "Why are you apologizing?" After attentiveness, her voice did not sound naïve anymore,instead hoarse and mature.

"......Your name......" In between her choking sobs, she managed to utter a few words. "Still haven't...chosen you a name......"

Great pain and sorrow flooded in those purple eyes, fluid accumulating rapidly in them again.

"I never have a name." Hi sama kissed away the tears of the girl beneath her, only to let her own dripping. "I have never been really living, until the day I met you......I am so lucky to become your other half. It has been my most precious present."

This sincere confession moved her deep inside. She could only embrace tightly the petite body, the other half of her soul. “my sun……my warm light……don’t leave me----“ She couldn’t continue anymore, biting her trembling lips.

“Silly……I am not going anywhere.”

Sensing Hi sama’s cute nose gently rubbing her own face, she finally showed a smile.

“I won’t go anywhere, Juuiki……Don’t worry.” Hi sama softly whispered in her ears, accompanied by random warm kisses and naughty licks.

She hand swung to Hi sama’s half-open chest. “I want to touch you, too……” She curiously fondled the flaming, sun-shaped solar seal with her clever fingers.

So hot. She could feel waves of burning pain transmitted from her fingertips, as if she really touched the sun and felt its temperature.

Hi sama’s husky moans streamed to her ears, in spite of her biting on the lips. As she was going to explore further, however, Hi sama seized her hands.

“Juuiki, I want to feel your touch, too……” Gentle kisses warmed her palms. “But not now. You are tired, please rest.”


“Shh……” Hi sama diminished her argument by a kiss. "After tomorrow, I will devote myself to you......" Deep mysterious purple eyes fixed on her, Hi sama smiled. "You can count on it--- It is not only a promise, but also my wish."

She stared at Hi sama for quite a while, and finally yielded. With her happiness, her love in arms, this feeling was so peaceful and assuring. Slowly, she fell into a sound sleep.

"......Don't worry, my moon......After tomorrow, you will never cry for me anymore."

Even the moon outside, covered by dark clouds, failed to catch the final whisper from Hi sama.


The turmoil outside the room woke her up suddenly from her sweet dreams.

Still confused, she got up and gazed at the other quilt by her side. What happened the night before gradually flowed back into her mind. Dressing up in her fastest speed, she only wanted to see Hi sama as soon as possible.

To confirm with her that what happened last night was not a dream, and that they were true to each other.

Once she opened the door, she immediately heard everyone’s screaming in panic piercing through the sky.

The sky was black. The sun was slowly veiled with dark, heavy clouds.

“Is this……” She stared into the sky in consternation, afraid of naming her speculations.

“The Sun eclipse.” Delicate yet cold voice rose from behind her. As she turned around, she caught the sight of the one she wanted to see the most, Hi sama. “Please hurry up and prepare for it, Tsuki sama----The time has come for the final battle with Orochis.”

That was a determined, indifferent expression and a commanding tone. Speechless, she looked at the maiden in the red miko suit, holding the crimson katana.

The air was smeared with a thick feel of filth and gloom.

“……Aye, Hi sama.”

Saturday, December 10, 2005





ははうえさま お元気ですか



   星はみつめます ははうえのようにとても優しく


   くじけませんよ 男の子です

   さびしくなったら はなしにきますね いつかたぶん

   それではまた おたよりします

   ははうえさま  いっきゅう

ははうえさま お元気ですか



   こねこはなきました かあさんねこにしがみついて


   なくのはおよし さびしくないさ

   男の子だろ かあさんにあえるよ いつかきっと

   それではまた おたよりします

   ははうえさま  いっきゅう














ははうえさま お元気ですか”和“なくのはおよし さびしくないさ

   男の子だろ” 这两句时不由得哽咽鼻酸。一个10岁左右的小男孩,想念母亲,而又告诉自己要坚强的心情,十几年后再次清晰地传达到了我的心中。告诉朋友说这件事的时候,朋友用了1秒种就下了结论:“你想妈妈了啊!”



Thursday, November 17, 2005







在某种意义上,比起全金属狂潮(FMP TSR)的两主角,







幸运的是美版可选日文原音(Soul Calibur2就是如此)

我又火星了OTL 这款在美国已经上市3周多了(晕)


[Fanfiction-Kannaduki no Miko] The Fantasy of Last Life II—The Solitary Moon Arching over the Sky

Chapter One

......In the days when Gods are missing, Mikos of the sun and the moon, with their pure minds and firm beliefs in possession, always selflessly guard and protect the common world, till the eternity…….

She mumbled through the words in the book and sighed. It was not so funny to see her own predestined future written down in books.

Maybe it was because she was still too childish? Ever since she was brought to this shrine upon the emperor's order, she had become a sacred symbol for people's admiration and reliance. However, every time when she looked into the mirror, the person inside it had not changed since the day she came here. Still the same face, the same girl.

What had changed were the surroundings and people's minds.

"Are you……Miko of the moon?"

On that day, a girl in one red miko suit with a delicate and innocent voice stood gracefully in front of her, her beautiful face showing a tender smile.

"Welcome you to Otobashi shrine……." Said the petite young lady. Under the sunlight, a cool and smooth wind caressed those tea-colored long hair, which was sparkling unbelievably like the golden rice ears.

Just then, she stood rooted to the spot and could not utter a single word. She started to wonder, was the radiant source the sun, or rather, the girl in front of her?

The noise outside the hall interrupted her wandering thoughts about a peculiar girl. As she curiously opened the door, she found out its origin.

Three or four youngsters were accumulated in the shrine garden. There were both boys and girls, all obviously less than seven years old, except for the tallest boy maybe almost ten.

"----Kazujin niichan, what are we going to do? The ball is stuck on the tree!" Circling the older boy, they pleaded one after another, "Kazujin niichan, go get it, go get it please--- "

The boy hesitated to look at the crowd, and then lifted his head high to stare at the hundred-year-old holy tree.

"Um……I…….er, fine then, I will try. Just stop pulling my pants---"

As the boy swallowed his saliva a few times, fastened his sleeves and got ready to start climbing, one hand reached his shoulder and forfeited his suicide behavior.

The boy looked up at the pretty young lady in a purple miko suit. The sunshine poured like waterfalls behind her, decorating her dark long hair in a gentle radiance.

Her slightly disordered front hair could not cover those piercing blue clear eyes.

As all the children opened their mouths wide and stared at her, she couldn't help showing a bitter awkward smile. "Is your ball……stuck on the tree?"

"Tsu----Tsuki sama!" The oldest boy was the first to wake up from the stun, and the immediate response he had was to drag the crowd to kneel down together with him. "We are very, very sorry! We only wanted to play during the afternoon-nap time-----we didn't want to interrupt Tsuki sama's rest. P—Please forgive our impudence!"

Ah. She responded in a low voice, astringent sadness flashing through her eyes. About one month ago, there was her birthday, as well as that of Miko of the sun's. On that day, under the supervision of the emperor and priests, they completed the planned rite, successfully summoned the substitutes of Ame no Murakumo—two two-handed katanas, one purple, one red.

The blood-like red katana felt powerful and fierce, as if it had been used in fighting for countless times before it was summoned. Yet surprisingly enough, it would behave so quietly and peacefully together with a magnificent deep-purple katana, both stuck deeply in the sacrificial altar.

Parallel to the other blade that it belonged to, the red and purple swords were just like themselves at that time—Mikos of the Sun and the Moon.

Ever since that day, people had even more respect in their attitudes towards them, a respect mixed with deep fear. Many times she couldn't help wondering, had her image in other people's eyes become a monster-like existence?

Although her reflection in the mirror had been the same, the mirror in other people's heart was always changing unpredictably.

"Rise up. There's on one else here, you don't have to so formal." Different from her usual cold tone, she softened her voice and spoke amiably, "I will help you pick up the ball, is that all right?"

At their amazing stares, she only smiled slightly.

"No! We can't, Tsuki sama is an honorable miko, you can't do such---" The big boy didn't know what to do, just shaking his head rapidly.

"I may not know other things, but climbing trees—I won't lose even to boys." She said with a no-big-deal look, then dexterously loosened the purple satin ribbon tying her long hair, and let each black shining strand unrestrainedly and wildly spread on her shoulders.

The long ribbon was then applied to tie up the sleeves of the miko suit to facilitate her actions. She breathed deeply from above, and her face was full of pleasure and excitement that she could not conceal.

As she was climbing the tree agilely and swiftly, she found out as if her body had become lighter after training for martial arts with her master. Both the movement of her limbs and the strength from inside herself had been enhanced much more than before,

Some sort of enormous and solid power emerged like spring water, growing continuously from her own soul.

"Hey-----catch it!"

Sitting on a big brunch of the tree, she threw the ball at the children beneath. They expressed their appreciation one by one and left, turning back frequently with hesitation to look at her above.

Wondering why a miko like her would be this wild, maybe? She laughed relaxingly, lifting her head. A light breeze stroke through her long hair and smoothed her feelings.

Such pleasant wind, she thought contentedly. This was the cool breeze in October, the month without Gods. Even if the world did not have the
protection from Gods now, such breeze still stayed loyally with human beings.

After all, there was something that would not change. She closed her eyes, enjoying the valuable peaceful moment.

"------Sleeping on a tree? You may fall down like this, Tsuki sama." A gentle, slightly playful voice recalled her attention, .

Looking down at the figure underneath the tree, she smiled.

"I was not sleeping, Hi Sama."

The young lady called "Hi sama" owned tea-colored long hair, most splendid and bright-golden as if it had been cleansed by sunlight; her eyes were very pretty, deep and calm, her face gentle yet enigmatic.

What might not have matched Hi sama's wise and mysterious eyes was her tender and delicate, almost sticky young voice. However, she liked
listening to Hi sama's voice very much. Every time it would remind her of her favorite candied fruits in her childhood.

"Kazujin rushed to my place, saying that Tsuki sama was hurting herself……So I hurried here to have a look, well I didn't expect that----" Hi sama chuckled. "Do you usually hurt yourself in this way?"

"That little Kazujin was exaggerating too much." A shy smile appeared on her face as she was feeling quite embarrassed. "It is only tree-climbing…… I did this often when I was small."

"It is hard for me to imagine a tomboyish Tsuki sama." Hi sama still maintained her teasing smile.

As if to counter her words, she said, "Me too……I can't imagine how Hi sama was like as a child."

As soon as she ended the sentence, she regretted how straightforward and inconsiderate she had been. She noticed that the curve at Hi sama's lips gradually disappeared, replaced by her usual profound looking.

"……Tsuki sama, do you like climbing trees?"

Both of them were very conscious of the way that Hi sama switched the topic of conversation. After a silent sigh, she turned around to lookat the far, high distance.

"What I like is not the tree-climbing, but rather the scenery I can see on trees."

"What is the scenery that you see?" Hi sama asked softly, her deep eyes filled with a peculiar expectation.

"I see the vast land that the sun is shedding its light on."

She lowered her head and sincerely looked at Hi sama, who was a little surprised by her words. " The sunshine in October is the warmest and
brightest light I have ever seen." After a brief pause, she sent an invitation hesitantly, "Hi sama……do you want to come up here to see for yourself?"

Her wishful tone was so obvious that she felt quite uneasy.

A slight smile showed up on Hi sama's face. Her shallow-colored hair, lifted by a light wind, covered some of her pretty appearance. "Even if I climbed on the tree, even if I were at the same height as you are, I don't think I can see the scenery in your eyes."


"Because I am not you."

Simple answers often had profound inside stories, and this was especially true about Hi sama. She thought it over and decided not to continue persuading her on it.

"I don't mean to interrupt your fun, but I do hope that you can come down here soon."

At Hi sama's word, she just stared at her eyes under the sunlight, which was shining more brilliantly than any jewels in this world.

"Since I am unable to reach the same height as you can, I hope that you can come down to be at the same place as me……"

Hi sama extended her arms, as if she was waiting for her to hold her hands.

"Having such thoughts…… am I too selfish, Juuiki?"

/No, because you called my name./ She smiled with satisfaction and climbed down the tree promptly. She could hardly wait for her feet to land on the ground before she reached for Hi sama's helping hands.

Smaller than hers, those hands were warm and tender. Hi sama read books and wrote scrolls every day—if she were to have those hands close to her own nose, would she be able to smell the vague scent of sandalwood from her fingertips?

This disrespectful idea made her blush scarlet all of a sudden.

"Your hands……they are wounded……" The whisper from the girl turned her attention to her own hands wrapped in the other's palms.

"Only scratches, a common outcome for climbing trees."

"Then don't climb trees anymore." That delicate voice contained an unquestionable authority. "I don't want to see Juuiki being hurt."

Her hands were still gently enclosed in those of Hi sama's. If she were to be treated so for such inconsiderable wounds, maybe she would no longer pay much attention to her own safety.

"Aye, I promise." She nodded without hesitation, not regretting at all to give up her only hobby for this girl in front of her.

"Let's go, allow me to treat you and dress your wounds before your martial art practices." Hi sama's calm and profound eyes sparkled with smiling curves, which affected her own face and warmed up her entire body.

During everyone's life, there must exist one special being that was far more important than their beliefs or likings. So she believed, and she was also certain that Hi sama was that "only existence" in her own.

Simple. God had arranged this even before the moment she was born. "Juuiki" was her common name—born in October, mere as that. However,
it was just this plain name that represented her most primitive self and values as a human being.

Now hearing this word from Hi sama, hearing the most truthful herself being called, was the best thing she could wish for, the most priceless gift for her sixteenth birthday.

For that, she thanked God Ame no Murakumo from the bottom of her heart.

============End of Chapter One=============


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


这阵子忙到晕头转向,连cobalt 12月号发行的事也忘了。





Saturday, November 5, 2005







[Fanfiction-Kannaduki no Miko] The Fantasy of Last Life I ~The Remnant
Sun at Daybreak

Chapter II

"……`Why aren't there any records about what's happening after
defeating Orochis'……You mean Tsuki sama brought this up to you? "

The old priest raised his hoarse voice with surprise.

She lit up a candle on the table, so that after the routine evening
lesson with the priest, she could safely walk back in such darkness to
her dorm by the usual route.

"Yes, she did." She emphasized her tone and nodded. /I have told you
all about it, now can I leave?/

"Tsuki sama……did she ask you anything else?" The old priest sounded
very anxious.

"No, just that." /Please, I want to go back./

He put his hands behind his back and stared at her solemnly.

"Did you……tell her anything?"

"I only talked about what I know." She relied neglectfully, lifted the
candle and started to step out of this spacious Japanese style living

"You didn't say anything about what mikos have to do after defeating
Orochis, did you?"

Clenching the bottom of the candle holder, her hands became slightly
white. She questioned indifferently, with her back still towards the
priest, "You mean the truth of this mission……that we have to kill each
other after eliminating the enemies? "

Even without looking back, she could detect from the congealed air the
priest's disturbed breathes and ashamed feelings.

The people who knew the truth had hid it, because they believed that
destiny could not be altered. They believed that a sacrifice of one or
two maidens' lives for the future restoration of the world was a good
deal, a very honorable task.

If Ame no Murakumo were willing to protect these selfish people, he
himself would not be some God of justice. While showing a taunting
smile, her expressions were also filled with bitterness and sorrow.

"Tsuki sama is a noble miko. She is the one with pure body and soul,
the only one who can accomplish our goal. " She comforted him softly,
"I understand this…… I do. "

"Nobody have told you about this, if only I didn't let you read
through those ancient books…… Maybe now you wouldn't have known―" The
priest shut up abruptly, as he also realized the irresponsible and
irrational blame in his own words.

So she couldn't help answering sarcastically,  " I wish I'd be slower
and more stupid in my next life, maybe that will be better for

Then she ignored the next would-be reply from the priest and stepped
away from the house to her dorm. As she was passing by a corner of the
corridor, she witnessed under a big tree in the garden the presence of
Tsuki sama.

Tski sama was dressed in a thin and light unpadded white garment, long
enough to reach the ground. A blue gown was thrown over her right
shoulder. Unlike usual, her long hair was released and totally
unrestrained, each of them freely dangling in the night breeze,
eventually merging into the gloom.

The silver-golden moonlight seemed to care for her and her alone, as
if Tsuki sama was the only bright existence in this pitch blackness.
Compared to this young miko, the candle in her own hands appeared so
dim and laughable.

Suddenly, the hot wax from the burning candle dropped on her hands.
The pain withdrew her attention back from the present dreamlike scene.

Her faint gasp finally made Tsuki sama found out behind her back the
figure standing still in the corridor.

At first Tsuki sama's limpid eyes opened wide with surprise, then her
kind and sincere smiling face said her welcome. "Good evening, Hi

"Good evening……" She mumbled.

"Did you finished the evening lessons for today with the priest?"

"Yes, I did." Satisfied that her fluttering calmed down to some extent
at last, She asked in a soft and gentle tone, "Did your martial art
practices also last till just now?"

"No, it was over a while ago……my master called it a day after he lost
to me for the fifth time." There was embarrassment in her shy smile.
Tsuki sama had always been so modest, and she never felt that
defeating her master was something worth bragging about.

"If so, why are you still here……"

"Relishing the moon."

"Huh?" She looked puzzled.

That strange girl just looked up and glanced at the moon. "Look, we
have a half-moon tonight. The one I like the most in every month. "

At her words, she looked up curiously at the bright half moon hanging
in the sky. "Why do you like the moon at this time? Only one half is
there……" The sad half, she continued silently.

"I like it now because it is only one half." Tsuki sama smiled, "In
poems, the moon often represents poets' yearning for a special
someone. Because the moon is too far to be reached, always hanging in
the vast evening sky all by itself, it becomes the medium of their

"To show their lingering thoughts for the other unapproachable person?"

Tsuki sama had another slight smile. "Yes……these thoughts turn into
the silver-white moonlight shining upon the darkness, as well as
stating poets' painfulness".

"Such a……sorrowful existence……" She murmured sympathetically.

The young lady shook her head. "People have their own
feelings……However, I think as long as the moon can help the sun during
the day to continue the brightness at night…… then its existence is
fully meaningful. "

"Are these your feelings as the miko of the moon?"

Tsuki sama stared at her silently, and a firm determination showed up
on her face instead of her usual kindness. Then, she answered
tenderly, " The moon exists to help the sun, and I……was born in this
world to assist you."

A bitter smile filled with understanding appeared on Tsuki sama's
face. She continued, "So please don't tell yourself anymore that you
are alone, don't try to persuade yourself that you can live on your
own―because you are NOT alone, nor am I."

The current underneath her eyes quietly generated a blazing mist,
which made her no longer able to see the other girl's face clearly.

"Can't help it even if you aren't willing to." Tsuki sama smiled, as a
breeze was fondling her dark and soft long hair. "Since you are
destined to be with me, it's better to get used to it soon, Hi sama."

She also smiled. This facial action triggered her tears to overflow
out of her eyes. The ample warmth, extreme ease and complete
peacefulness fulfilled her chest. For the first time in her life, she
learned what was gratefulness.

Grateful for her fate arranged by God, this inevitable destiny.

She was fated to be with her. 。

"As you wish."

At her granted positive reply, Tsuki sama beamed with happiness. "When
we are both sixteen, can I ask for a birthday gift from you?"

Birthday gift? She looked at that strange girl with doubts, "……If it
isn't beyond my ability……"

"Call me by my name." Tsuki sama spoke softly, "please call my name on
my sixteenth birthday."

Just that? She nodded.

"Great!" The young lady exhaled relaxingly. "Then what do you want as
a gift, Hi sama?"

"Birthday gifts are for those children who still have their parents."

"Who made the rule?"

"This is the tradition."

"I want to give you one, can't I?" Tsuki sama just wouldn't give up.

She lifted her head to look at the moon, feeling somewhat defeated.
"Then……can you give me a name?" Embarrassed by her own sudden request,
she added awkwardly, "If you want me to call you by your name, then
you can't call me 'Hi sama' anymore, right? It would sound so strange,
as if you are my servant or―Er, I don't mean to have you as my
servant, I mean, I, I don't have a name, so―"

Oh God, someone please come and finish her off right there. She cried
out to herself with shame and frustration. As she lowered down her
head, her voice was also dimming.

"……Do you want to be someone besides 'Hi sama'?" The girl with limpid
eyes asked knowingly.

"……Maybe it is too late already……" She stared at the corridor floor.
"I don't have the slightest idea about how to be a girl besides 'Hi

"You are fine like this. I like your stuttering nervous look."

Her face turned into a gorgeous red immediately at that low and
genuine voice. She managed a weak protest, "P…please stop making fun
of me, Tsuki sama."

"I swear! You are so cute when you blush!"

She had completely hidden her head in front of her chest.

Suddenly a warm hand raised her chin, and made her look into those
lake-like clear eyes. Without any notice, Tsuki sama had come to only
one step away from her.

Tsuki sama's slender white fingers gently slid her tea-colored hair
aside from her forehead. The remnant warmth from those fingertips
transmitted through her skin, bringing a strong wave of shock and
burning pain.

It seemed that her eye sockets were getting hot again.

Tsuki sama did not say even one more sentence. Instead, she just wiped
off the crystal-like tears with the back of her hands away from her

cheeks. Even if that young miko were wondering why she couldn't stop
her tears, she obviously hid it very well.

--So well that she wanted to throw herself into her arms right there,
right now, and willfully enjoy all the understanding and comfort
provided by her companion.

Yes, this person was her companion; the other one to share the
destiny, the other half to shoulder the mission together with her.

She was not alone. From the beginning to the end, her life had been
interwound with a peculiar someone, no matter how far apart their
physical existences were, no matter if there were mountains and seas
in between them. Life after life, incarnation after incarnation, her
being would always be only a half.

She would be yearning forever for this person in front of her to
fulfill her soul.

Even if in her next life she could not remember the gratefulness that
she had right now, she still believed that this person would always be
patiently waiting for her.

Waiting for the moment when they could stare into each other's eyes once again.


"Ah―Wait, slow down!" Himeko is running out of breath. She doesn't
know how many miles she has been following that little lost puppy for,
the only thing that she does know is that she has never exercised this
much in her life before.

The puppy has sneaked into the rose garden of the school. She looks
around awkwardly, and when seeing no other people are about, she also
sneaks in just like that little cutie.

"Ouch!" Himeko screams out, for her hair is caught by the bushes. Why
is she always so clumsy, even if she just wants to get into a garden?

"……Is this your puppy?"

From above her head comes an unbelievable charming female voice, cool and calm.

With surprise, Himeko raises her head and in the next moment, she
looks into those beautiful eyes as clear as lakes.

......There is an ancient shrine on the moon, quietly protecting the
common world for thousands of years……The thousand-year legend goes on
and on, with the ever-lasting cycle of encounter and sorrow……Here, the
two young ladies have initiated their story of this life.

====The End of The Remnant Sun at Daybreak====

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

按我老板的话说,万圣节就是"Oh! Shoot"加上a bunch of annoying teenagers的日子(汗)
不知道今天回去会不会遇上几个"trick or treat"呢~

星期六的时候,波士顿下了今年冬天的第一场雪,一下就下好大。。。偏偏我还必须得这个时候开高速 :( 在这里,最不喜欢的就是一年六个月的冬天了:(((


Wednesday, October 26, 2005













[Fanfiction-Kannaduki no Miko] The Fantasy of Last Life I ~The Remnant
Sun at Daybreak

Author: Faith

Translator: Lethe

Illustrator: Nitro

Please do not post this article anywhere else without informing the translator.
You can email me at

Chapter I

……There is an ancient shrine on the moon, quietly protecting the
common world for thousands of years……

She knew this story since she was very little. Two mikos were chosen
by Gods, born on those days when Gods were gone. They together took
the mission of protecting the common world. Dressed in sacred miko
suits, holding two-handed swords, the two young ladies were not only
beautiful and elegant, but also powerful and frightening.

Mikos of the sun, and the moon.

And she, was one of them. Born an orphan without parents, her
existence was destined not to be just a daughter; she was
pre-determined not being able to spend her life quietly and

Gods had their reasons for such an arrangement. She had believed so
all these times.

"……Hi Sama?"

A clear and pleasant voice softly interrupted her daily meditation.
However, it also made a slight smile showing up on her serious face.

Swiftly turning around, her small figure stayed kneeing down at the
wooden floor in a graceful and proper pose.

"Tsuki sama." As usual, she bowed down slightly in a respectful way,
and gave the person in front of her a polite yet cold greeting. Her
long hair was light –colored like tea leaves, almost shining golden,
bundled towards the back in a simple and fitting style, only some hair
by the ear flowing in front of her chest.

The girl that she called " Tsuki sama" was said to have come from an
ordinary family. When her parents learned that their only kid was the
miko chosen by Gods, they were moved to happy tears, kneeled down and
thanked Gods.

She heard that they were still spending the money that the emperor
granted, boasting that their daughter was the daughter of heavens, a
gift from Gods.

Really… foolish folks. She sighed in her heart. Why couldn't they
understand that being "normal" would be the most gracious gift that
Gods would give to a child?

As she was having such thoughts, Tsuki sama had opened the door
completely, so that the ray of the bright sunshine could enter their
dark room—the sacred forbidden place where they had been serving God
Ame no Murakumo.

She noticed that a strange look flashed through the bright and limpid
eyes of Tsuki sama as she looked at the stone statue of Ame no
Murakumo behind her (Hi sama's) back. That was a look of admiration
and trust, mixed with a nature of fear and obedience towards Gods.

A nature of mikos.

"I am very sorry…Did I interrupt your meditation?'' Tsuki sama turned
her head slightly and asked, with a few thick old books in her hands
that exuded a color of yellow.

She only gazed silently at the girl in front of her.

The strong sunlight naturally shined upon her long dark hair,
enhancing the softness and gloss of it. Tsuki sama had the same hair
style as that of herself, yet her front hair was more stylishly
disordered, slightly covering her thin, well-shaped and deep-colored

Wearing a deep-purple miko suit all year long, with the black hair and
deep-colored eyebrows, a mature and indifferent mask of expression
occupying her beautiful and elegant face—Tsuki sama looked like a
person suitable to compete with and beat darkness itself.

At least this would be the first impression.

She smiled silently. She understood more than anyone else how
deceiving looks could be.

If people could distract themselves from Tsuki sama's refined face and
lock their sight on her deep-as-sea eyes, they would for sure find,
underneath her cold look, how gentle, how purely trusting her eyesight

She was still a child. An inexperienced child who was looking at this
world with her big, pure and curious eyes.

"No, I just finished the meditation for today."

Tsuki sama looked obviously relaxed, then smiled shyly, and walked
over slowly and agilely. The way that Tsuki sama walked was not
exactly delicate, but straightforward like boys, yet more elegant and
dashing. Maybe it was because that she was taller than herself? She
wondered with curiosity.

"The priest suggested me to ask you about these books."

Crouching down, Tsuki sama's shy smile approached her face. She then
realized that Tsuki sama and she were having a distance way too
intimate, as she even saw her own reflections in the other girl's blue

Moving backward without a trace, she maintained a polite smile on her
face. "Are you still studying hard on these ancient books, Tsuki

"Yes. Because I has not been here since little, like Hi sama. I am not
very clear about many things regarding the rites, legends or
ceremonies…" As Tsuki sama was explaining, she put aside the books in
her hands and kneeled down straightly on the floor. "So the priest
said I could ask you what I don't understand…Can you teach me what's
in the books?"

Her expressions were so candid and upright, and her eyes were serious
and trusting. Who could possibly refuse them? She whispered in her
heart. "Certainly. Where do you not understand?"

As soon as she stopped the sentence, Tsuki sama responded with her
radiant smiling face.

Just as usual, she started to have an uncontrollable disorder of heart beat.

After this, no matter how hard she tried to meditate, to keep her mind
in a state free of random thoughts, these gentle eyes and sincere
smile could always invade her heart without warning, and waste every
effort she spent maintaining a calm mood.

This sudden hurricane of the moon had been tantalizing her rioting
soul to be freed from this mission.

Maybe this was why the second miko was needed. No matter how the sun
shined upon the land, it could never reach the darkness deep inside
itself. When the darkness devoured the sun at the end, at least there
would be tender moonlight generously shedding in the world. At least,
there would be a gentle and beautiful light warming up the world.

"……First we summon Ame no Murakumo, and then, we will fight
Orochis……right?" Tsuki sama asked, while concentrating on the
sentences in a book.

She straightened her suddenly-stiffed body. "Yes."

"And what next? I looked into quite a few books, none of them recorded
what mikos should do after defeating Orochis."

"…Do you really have the confidence to defeat Orochis?"

Tsuki sama switched her eyesight from the book to the face of the
young lady in the red miko suit in front of her.

Her piercing blue eyes looked deeply into the other brilliant pair.

"If I were alone, that might be a little difficult." Carefully
choosing the words, Tsuki sama spoke slowly, "Because…there are eight
Orochis, right? One versus eight, it would be difficult, no matter how
you think about it."

She couldn't help chuckling at her naïve reply.

"It is true." Somewhat unsatisfied that her serious reply was laughed
at, Tsuki sama continued her explanation. " If one can be invincible
as long as she is by God's side, why do you need two mikos? One person
can accomplish nothing……to protect people, or to live a life. We
can't— "

"I can live by myself." Interrupting Tsuki sama's words, her
indifferent tone contained disagreement.

Tsuki sama's young and profound face looked disappointed and hurt. "Hi
sama…you don't want to be with me?" Her clear and melodious voice
failed to cover the sudden sobs from her throat and became sore and

This unreserved sincerity smashed her heart into pieces, which she had
been defending so hard. "It is my fate to be with you." She bit her
teeth so badly that her chin was tense and aching. " Such arrangements
must have their reasons……I never doubt it, nor do I run away from it.

"Even if you are not at all willing to……right?"

The silence froze the air, and their heartbeat replaced the time flow.
A certain flame was slowly rising, and bloomed into a beautiful, neon
brilliance, just like the water droplets under the sun.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005



我去的那地方叫做Boston Language Institute(波士顿语言研究中心),不只教日语,还有其他各国语言。授业方式是7、8人一组的小课堂教学,环境很好,旁边就是波士顿大学。课开在每周四晚6:15-9:15,日语入门初级。


金发A、B:"Are you the teacher of this class?"
忘:"No,I am also a student."

金发A:"So what is Hiragana? Does Japanese character each mean something?"
金发A,B (崇拜状):"I see."

金发A:"Are you Japanese?"

我要是Japanese的话还来学Japanese beginner level1做什么啊!!!

说起来我被误认国籍的事还真不是第一次,属这回最爆笑就是。让人哭笑不得的就是,在美国,如果你长得像亚洲人,而且不是很老土的话,那么别人就会猜:"Are you Japanese?" 不是的话 "Are you Taiwanese?" "Hong Kong?" "Korea?" 也许他们认为这样是尊重你的,但是我非常地不舒服,这种把mainland China排到最后的方式。我也不能把"You don't look like typical Chinese"当作一种赞扬。  扯远了些,那么接着说当天课上的事。

老师名叫"Noriko",我立即反应到佛像爱好者。迟疑了一小会还是举手问了老师汉字的写法,原来是"典子",果然还是这个更常见的名字。典子老师来自大阪,是Tiger饭,个子大概154左右?脸孔是典型的日本人。 听现实中人的说话真的和动画差好远(远目)老师带点口音,不过不像我听过的任何一种关西腔(汗)老实说放弃她的课我还是有一点儿可惜的。。。很少有这种鼓起勇气不怕死这样和人说话的时候了(笑)

老美们有时候满可爱的。老师讲'さん'的用法时,举例"お父さん","お母さん",就有人问道,在家可以叫父母亲"お父"、"お母"吗?? 我脑中立刻浮现如果是我喜欢的声优,这样的叫着お父"、"お母"的声音。。。。。。







啊,现在重看这些居然有读不出来的地方了OTL 我的日语退步了啊55555~


to be continued?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005







这世界观,这人设,让我一直想到神秘的世界艾尔哈沙德啊!人形战机静留在天上飞来飞去的样子让我想起的不是高达(当然,仔细想想确实很像高达OTL),而是El hazard OVA中的Ifurita,而真白就是Fadora和Alielle的混合体,而这种异世界的风情也很像。 说这些倒不是说我不喜欢,恰恰相反,我非常喜欢这类主题,发挥的余地很大<---随编剧怎么瞎掰都成

剧情和整体感觉方面,延续了前剧的水准。开始的时候也在油轮上,很快有戏剧性的3主角相会,大场面的精彩战斗,同样以到达梦想中的学园为结束。啊,连下集预告也抄前作的段子也太。。。= =||| 战斗方面嘛,比起这回帅透了的静留秒杀某巨无霸场面,我还是喜欢前作里的油轮格斗(啥)----战斗要势均力敌才好看嘛 我有充分的理由相信,这部片子也会是轻松爆笑+中间转郁+大团圆结局,而且是质量〉=前作的一部必看作品。

人物方面,--我意外的人人都喜欢啊!Arika很可爱自不必说,我一直都喜欢这类特精神的小孩(啥)她的配音OK啦。真白看起来怎么这么顽劣(汗)我还要再看几集观察一阵。Yukana的配音赞一个,绝对联想不到以前的病弱真白,而且说文绉绉的话时骨子里的那种飞扬跳脱的劲儿,非常的适合人物性格。另外夏树二代小清水配得相当到位,起初我想了很久这人的声音是谁来着。。。跟天满真太不一样了。 进藤的声音和前作完全一样,不出我的意料。反正以前静留的迷们都是拜倒在她的京都腔之下的。 倒是千叶配的夏树的声音更低沉和男前了OTL你们俩现在到底谁攻谁受啊





嗯,本来想10月要追的太多了,这部没肯定追不追的(Trinity Blood我都还没看完)。结果看见川上、植田的名字啦!我2话不说就下了来看。植田的话,第一句话就认出来啦。最近觉得植田的声音很容易认。。。她的演技也是越来越好了。明明知道川上姐姐在这一集里面的,结果一集过了1半,本回boss说了二三十?句话的时候才听出蛛丝马迹来____________OTL 川上姐姐,我对你的敬仰之情有如滔滔江水、连绵不绝啊(笑) 话说我以前一直觉得川上姐姐缺乏御姐角色,这回的声线算是让我一偿夙愿。可惜一集就没了啊。。。






Angel Heart:


剧情方面,因为看过漫画,毫无新鲜感。只能说一话制作终于原著,好戏正要开始。Glass Heart没说中文,川澄客串冰淇淋少女,阿良整一中年大叔。。。

这一部据说会做52话,还很有可能是原创结尾。不是太期待,不过for the old time sake, 会追。


Black Cat:


顺便问一下,丰口姐姐在里面配的是谁? 我不能肯定OTL




OTL),有机会好好领略川澄全方位的演技。这回川澄的声线很好认,比莓乱扔里的茉莉容易多了《---说白了我就是认不出loli声= =bbb




好险没有错过这部大作!虽然有人说这像高达(汗,这么想的人一定是高达fan),我可是不觉得。不要什么都扯到高达去好不好!= =++
话说这两小loli才9岁= =bbb看彼此的照片脸红个什么劲啊??


对了,有淡淡的百合香哦XD 和百变差不多淡这样


Tuesday, October 4, 2005








第4章结束时的一页大图感动到我了。教堂决裂之后,矛盾痛苦的栞转向圣母像,眼泪终于决堤而出:"マリア様。。。" "わたしは聖を愛している" 





唯恐天下人不知道你的兴趣吗= =bb

Killer Queen:

^_^ 啊啊,这本真是让人爱不释手











Tuesday, September 27, 2005




「舞-乙HiME 乙女の放課後」



「Angel Heart〜エンジェル・ハート」





Faith,我该罚你做"BLOG一百问" 或我的声优27问



还在匹兹堡的时候,我土耳其的朋友对我说:"You are not Chinese! Chinese people work 16 hours
in labs" @$#^$%#$& Come on! I have a LIFE, you know~ (画外音:a life with





















Saturday, September 24, 2005

Blog 100问
















7.多久會發表一篇文章在Blog ??




















想要有个机会练习中文写作 《----不是吧



19. 友站Blog排行第一的是?


20.本人寫作的怪癖 or 壞習慣?










25.有兩個以上的網誌嗎? 如果有, 差別在哪裡?

















34.創立網誌的原因是? (朋友介紹/網路看來的?)

体验一种新的交流方式 (好吧,其实是看朋友们做了手痒)




















我想到热狗(Hotdog) 汗

45.Blog若還可以取其他名稱, 會想取什麼名字?




47. Blog中有放音樂嗎? 如果有多半是哪一類型的?

沒, 我怕自己打开的时候会露馅 (工作时。。。)






那也比没感想强 (厚脸皮)


得意啊 (越发的厚脸皮)
















Window XP SP2+ Apple G5 Tiger








63.你會記得來訪者的名字, 並且去他的站看看的嗎?










68. 你覺得自己的網誌對什麼樣的人會有影響力呢?







网志里更无忧无虑一些吧,real life sucks more





73.如果你的網誌可以幫別人打廣告的話? 希望放上哪種廣告?

新的MariMite中文翻译!三家同时进行中!!!作者:Kuro, gcc和瓦



75.有自己專用的電腦來經營Blog嗎?桌上型 Or 筆電?






















86.如果要請一位名人來代言你的Blog, 會希望是誰?














93.在寫這篇Blog 100問之前你在做什麼?














