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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 3)

Lethe's note:

It seems so far away to have Himiko appear in the text T_T
I miss you, Hi-chan!!

Just wait until PART 5...

Please don't post this anywhere without my persmission.


"Rite of Mana Feed, start"

A miko is announcing it loudly.
I hold the girl in my arms.
Like a child in the darkness, her heated body trembles in fear.
After all, it is scary, isn't it?
It may be quite likely. She ought to have desired an escape.
Somehow she must have a reason not to do so.

Deep dread as well as sense of responsibility for Mika sama overwhelms her heart.
Even so, the brown-haired girl turns her face up.
What happens next will be the most honorable moment as a mistress of Mika sama.
If she is the one that can stabilize my mana, she will undoubtedly become a superior being in all of Mika sama's mistresses.

Should I say something to this brown-haired girl?
For example--
"Take it easy. Don't be afraid."
"Don't be so stiff. Just leave it all to me."

Or maybe, if I adjust my breathing rhythm, will she be made happier?
So that the task will go smoothly.
Paying too much attention to details won't make the following processes more comfortable.
What's more, I don't have experience talking to anyone else except for Mika sama.
I haven't felt lonely, inconvenient, or the need for anything that I have to talk to anyone about.
One more proof of inhumanness.

All at once, my concentration scatters.
The blur in me spreads rapidly.
No, this is not good, particularly at this key moment--

I MUST focus.
To make the rite succeed now, I have to suppress the blur in me. This should be enough for now.
The bell is ringing.
The lips of mine and those of the brown-haired girl are getting closer and closer.
Our breaths fuse, and our skin touch.

I can do this. Be gentle.
So it flows into my body.
The energy of human, of life, of Absolute Angel--mana.

A light wraps both she and I, brilliant and shining like dancing foam around us.
However, it disappears right at the next second, and an exploding shock overwhelms me.
I anxiously push the girl away from me.
She drops like a sandbag onto the floor before she could even scream out, as if a puppet has lost all its strings.

"Disorders on Experiment 18! EEG (*Electroencephalography) and heart rate abnormalities! Call the emergency medical team!"

Ah ah, not again.
It is still not going smoothly.
Extracting mana is equal to extracting life, only when the brown-haired girl shares my body and soul can she live through it.
She will not die.
However, it is certain that, from now on, she will be excluded from Mika sama's mistresses.
It is all my fault.
I should feel sorry for her.
I should. But, I can't.

Once more, the blur in me grows slightly bigger.

A miko is suggesting something to Mika sama.
It is necessary to reassure my mana state.
My conscience will be lost, and my memories rewritten.
And then, I will wake up again.
I will wake up for the next experiment, to become a perfected angel.
I will wake up for Mika sama.

Beautiful yet cold, my master.
The absolute owner who rules this inhuman me.
An existence never to be disobeyed.
I will wake up for-- Ayanokoji Mika sama.


周六的时候从波士顿出发,开了4小时到Jersey City同学处休息一夜,第2天则是从新泽西开到大西洋城(2小时)、午饭、听3小时演唱会、开车回新泽西送同学们回去、再开4小时车回波士顿。 去的时候还好,一路放晴,从演唱会出来却开始下起鹅毛大雪,一路跟着北移的冷空气团回到波士顿= =||| 是说一路上大雪、路滑、可见度低是没错啦,可是大家都是美东北方的长住民,不要当自己是LA人,下点雨雪就不会开车啦!!!我可是有350miles在等着我的啊! 350miles! 都只开40-50mph是怎么回事---(向车窗外喊)

事实上那天总共开了约500miles 10小时,从大西洋城回Jersey City的路足足花了我4小时Orz , 等到家的时候已经是星期一凌晨2点了,结果睡了大概4小时后爬起来去上班____Orz

那么抱怨了两段长的我究竟是想说什么? 我想说这一切实在是太了啊! 我的人生,更加完整了(爆) XDDD


这次演唱会很早就卖完了票($50基本票)--事实上张学友今年春天在大陆十几个城市的演唱会,门票在去年就已卖完,这还是我听同学的朋友,带着无限羡慕的口气辗转传来的消息XDDD 我们算是运气,才弄到最后的几张票,不过是obstructed view的。本来以为会看不到部分舞台,结果看得好好的,问题只是舞台左边的聚光灯会闪到眼睛Orz 不过在这个角度,Jacky也照顾到了,时常过来光顾^ ^ 最后半小时的时候有人离开,我们就溜到正中的好座位去了,起码每人赚回15美元www

希望着Jacky可以多唱点国语歌的我们,算是遂了心愿^_^ 国语歌和粤语歌的比例,大约是一半一半,加上他的粤语老歌我都很熟,这样大部分的歌我都听得懂,一半的歌能跟着唱XDDD

不过中间他说话时我们就没那么好运了Orz 居然一句普通话也没有说(捶地)一块去的3人十分傻眼,努力拼凑下大概理解了。。。25%?______________Orz 听得懂的地方呢。。。Jacky给大家拜年(当时是年初八),说了一堆祝福的话后说起自己在上场多伦多的演唱会感冒了,所以这场的声音会很Sexy(爆)

想想Jacky年过40,这已经是当天的第2场3小时长的live (第一场在凌晨1点),异地、时差、加上感冒,要是有什么发挥稍差的地方也不奇怪的不是吗?但是他3个小时不停、又唱又跳,神采奕奕、挥洒自如,果然不愧是天王巨星! Live的质量与CD相比毫不逊色,清唱、临场发挥都是无可挑剔,是让人100%满意的一场演出!!

我想想。。。曲目很多我随便说说,“饿狼传说”,“忘记他”,“我等到花儿也谢了”,“心如刀割”,“在我身边”,“分手总要在雨天”,“想和你去吹吹风”,“吻别”,“每天爱你多一些”,“还是觉得你最好”, 中间还有浓缩版的音乐剧《雪狼湖》,非常过瘾! 最后的半小时是前排听众的点歌,学友的老歌轮唱卡拉OKwww---对了对了,Jackie被点唱《遥远的她》(天哪,这首是差不多20年前的歌OTL)的时候终于忘记了一句台词!!! <---这叹号是不是用错地方了XDDD


*** “I am a lover! 我唱情歌!”
*** “你说话,我爱听~”

*** (台上脱外套后)“什么?再脱一件?” (喷)

*** “大家要听新歌,还是旧歌?”

最后果然是和我想的一样,用“祝福”收尾的~ 如果说有什么遗憾的话,应该说是没有任何合唱曲Orz
学友的情歌对唱曲目这么多,没有同台明星真是有点可惜。当然叫人跑半个地球去做友情支援也未免不实际^ ^a

Live的感动,很难拿言语来形容。从初、高中开始就喜欢的巨星,有一天就这样终于见面了;听着“想和你去吹吹风”的时候,突然间发现自己竟泪流满面。 为了逝去的光阴、为了天各一方的家人和朋友、为了曾经的感动又上心头。

学友说:"虽然不知道具体日期,但我一定会再来唱歌给大家听!“ 希望到时候也能去听。无论将来如何,今日的感动将长留心中!

Sunday, February 25, 2007



给还不知道的人的提示:京四郎的小说刚刚出来,小废那边(啊,加上耀月桑)就呕心沥血的翻译完了所有日歌音的部分,这是何等的热情、何等的爱啊! 让我们在向着日月发花痴之前先来拜拜这两位吧XDDD


不过不要抱太大期望--最近真的很忙,估计只能做speed translation了。。。




看不惯违背契约者的命令,也觉得女孩子和女孩子之间的恋情很奇怪的刹那,期待她会横刀夺爱抢走花痴空的可能性,比起最后3人3p的可能性实在小太多= =|||





三华第一次恋爱在小学,爱上了初等部的学长--这、这也太早了吧!早恋是有害的,有害啊!!结果三华成了坚定的同性恋者不说,以一己之力建立了庞大的女性后宫却又冷落无数妃子也不说,一辈子的爱。。。你认错人了啊!! 要按声音认人,麻烦你先去找个百来部动画看完了再说,川澄她是我的啊(---》不用你们来,我乖乖的去接受再调整好了吧Orz)


三华是个满可怕的女人。当歌音对她说出救小日的要求的时候,当她立刻发现歌音说谎,并且对小日报有特殊感情的时候,她的愤怒大概到达了人生的顶峰--然而这个人手不抬、脚不动、不动声色之间已经计算好处理这件事的最佳方案!多么恐怖的一女人啊!! 不愧是歌音的主人OTL

三华与歌音之间,最早是歌音开始虐三华的。就在她消失一个月、音信全无、完全抛弃主人跑去和新欢(被巴--不不,是永恒的爱人)lovelove的时候,三华坚信着从云不会抛弃主人。。。然而,歌音确实是抛弃了主人--还带了别的女人回来Orz 换了谁都受不了吧,这种背叛和愤怒。可是接下来,三华立刻用了再调整和关小黑屋回应= =||| 更不要提之后将小日安排到歌音身边的险恶用心了。


三华最好的结局呢,就是决战的时候受了伤,再次住进医院, 然后。。。猜猜来看护的是谁?XD 喏,完美~ 歌音和小日,三华和护士,让GL组都能幸福吧w


今天跟小废聊天的时候,发现真不止我一个觉得歌音和三华很像的呢。都是钻牛角尖、为了自己唯一珍贵的东西,什么也做,遇神杀神、遇佛杀佛的家伙--难道是什么样的主人养什么样的天使? Orz 把三华10年再造之恩放到一边,为了小日的自由也一瞬间起过杀掉三华的念头,而因为考虑到小日的善良而罢手。 这点其实也满像神无月(整部小说里有不少déjà vu), 千歌音为了姬子可以毁灭世界,但是没有世界的姬子不会幸福,于是千歌音就毁灭了自己。。。


小说的最后一段,在那人生的分叉口,歌音本来有2个选择:背叛主人、和小日远走高飞;和小日一起,侍奉三华到她的心愿完成为止。其实我看本来还有第3个选项的,就是对小日说:”你哪位啊?要我送你回家吗?“(笑) 但是好不容易找到的人生最珍贵之物,她无法放手--应该说连想都没想过。本希望过着两人世界的,却在再调整中失去了小日的真名加上自己伤害了小日,因此觉得没有爱她的资格,这点和千歌音一模一样。 结果还是选择了第2样,在肉体和精神的双重折磨中挣扎牢记自己心爱的人,在永远饥渴(^_^)的状态中一直违心拒绝极品诱受小日的一轮轮攻势 OTL

就人物来说,歌音其实是这3人中最直接的一个。虽然在绝对天使里面,她或许是最复杂的www 喜欢着非契约主的同性,做出刹那无法理解的举动(笑),自然而然的对着三华撒谎(还有小日),虽然不知道一夜那位怎么样,歌音的腹黑度和另两位可不是一个级别的啊XD

歌音的理想结局呢,当然是跟小日回到湖边的小屋去过平静的生活。这中间有一个先决条件,就是歌音得想起小日的真名(创伤症后群的医治方法。。。)。我想大约会是5人合体的时候,歌音想起了小日的真名,然后白鸟空觉得还是分开来好,5个天使又重新解体。。。也许变成了人类?这样就大团圆了 XD 当然,歌音的理想结局也同样是小日的理想结局www



说起来三华-歌音-小日的三角关系一直让我有种似曾相识的感觉,想了一会才明白是像绝代双骄啦XD 移花宫的邀月公主,武功盖世、绝世容颜的冰山美人爱上了世间第一美男子江枫,救了他收留了他养着他,江枫他却爱上了侍女花月奴,温柔、体贴、但美貌和武功权势都不及邀月,但是两人相爱了,私奔了,生下了天下第一聪明人小鱼儿,和下一代的天下第一美男子花无缺。。。。。。怎么样?很像吧? 是说看到小日,让我进一步明白了为何这种平凡柔弱的女孩子才是被选中的那个人^_^

说小日为何会爱上歌音,本来有很多解释。小日吧,自幼失去父母,性格内向,没有朋友,不善交流;有天在河里捡到了世间最美的桃太郎,为了救她,给做人工呼吸把初吻献出去了;半夜里睡迷糊的时候又被她偷吃了;第2天醒来,见到会动会说话又温柔的天使更没辙了,一句谎话也说不出,把万年不提的真名也报了。之后一个月形影不离,白天见不着她心就慌了,晚上没她抱着就睡不着了。好多次看见她脸越凑越近却停了,心说"可以哦"说了100遍都白费了。 画像拖着画了一个月实在没辙了,不得已借庆祝会为名培养气氛了。葡萄酒没酒精一样醉了,”最喜欢“看你还招架得住了? 不留下你的吻、留下你的人休想离开了!



你却说, 歌音,留在你身边,不行吗?



Thursday, February 22, 2007

[Kyoshiro To Towa No Sora]Novel, Prelude: Chapter II--Kaon's Helix (Part 1-2)

Lethe's NOTE:

These are mainly 2nd translation from Faith's (later it will include Yaoyue's as well) Chinese translation of Kyoshiro novel, combined with some direct translation of the novel by myself. None of us is interested in non-Kaon-Himiko part of novel, so be aware that these are not necessarily full translations, only focusing on the sun, the moon, the torturing SM queen, and a blond peeper, that's it XDDD It's quick and dirty this time, so don't hesitate to tell me where do I suck ___Orz

We don't own this and buy the Japanese book if you like it. It's not expensive, if only you can read Japanese...

Please don't post this anywhere without my permission.


I have awakened, from inside the light. This is where I've always been.

The initial volume of mana maxed at 45.01, even at the state of Stability A.
This Forge room of Absolute Angels is my bedroom.
Spells mixed with mechanical noises. Hot air, wind and faint scent.
Myself in the mirror shows a figure with black hair, white china-like skin, slim wrists and full breasts.

Long legs.
Dark eyes.
Scarlet lips.
Even and perfectly distributed body.

This is only a shell of human.
I am not one, nor have I human blood or flesh.
Human can not jump vertically over tens of meters.
Human can not cut through moving machines with their natural strength.
Human can not cure their wounds instantaneously.

I am Light; the Light named Mana.
This look is only a reflection of Angel's--Absolute Angel's light in its most stable form.

I am--
I am Kaon.
Absolute Angel, Murakumo no Kaon.

{click to the right to continue}

Born at Seven-Day-Ashes (*seven-day-hot-snow literally), one fragment of Absolute Angels.
A sword existing for its master.
Kaon of the moon's helix.
The figure standing at the observatory staring across, she is the executive manager of Absolute Angel Bureau.
My sacred master, Ayanokoji Mika sama.

"I am in awe to see you, Mika sama."
"You may. Raise your head."
A solemn voice descends from high above, a declaration from the absolute owner.
Given permission, I slowly look up.


I have the five senses just like humans. --To see, to feel, or to taste--I have all these abilities.
Certainly, I am also aware of how genuinely comfortable a human being feels when showering.
But none of those special ones, happy or unhappy feelings exist.
Even if I am surrounded by numerous video recording systems when cleansing, naked, I never feel shameful.
The feelings that human naturally possess, are all absent in me. I feel nothing.
Delight, anger, panic, doubt...those things that make human hearts race, have nothing to do with me.

If there's nothing that I possess, I won't even have the power to feel.

For example, the experiment may succeed, or it may fail. But I, for sure, wouldn't feel a thing.
I would only think "So it goes like this..." and that will be it.
Then, I'll obey my master's order and return to my usual place.

If, if only there is something that I could have.
This blur will also...

This field (*as in physics, force field) is all surreal.
I can only feel, hear and touch this world through this blur.
What is it that I am missing right now?
Through the deepest spot in my chest, a root I call "existence" pierced and left an abysmal crack.

Therefore, I don't have any strong affections.
No wishes that I would sacrifice my life for.
Even I myself do not know the reason for it.
However, that must have been why my mana is always unstable.

(part 2 fin)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just found out about this...

It was too late though, all tickets for Vegas concerts on Chinese New Year's day (and the 19th) are sold out by the time I tried to book it :((( Oh nooooooo--- A few years ago, I missed his last trip to US in just the same way, and this time too??

There's no way I can catch the Toronto one... Feb 25th in Atlantic City is more likely manageable. Plus it's cheaper too... I probably will try this one instead~


刚刚朋友来报说帮我买到了!!! 噢耶!!
这周末去听歌神的演唱会啰 (转圈圈)

Friday, February 9, 2007


As I thought, episode 7 of Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora is probably one without Chi...Kaon triad. (correction: there has been a split second of surprised Kaon... ok, maybe it'll again be a 1-2min show that I care? let's hope that...)

offcial preview

It certainly connects with the ridiculous manga, that Kuu strips herself = =|||
Not I care about episode 7 that much = =++

I can't type Chinese as I am out of town right now... But I DO have a little bit more to say about Kaon, Himiko and Mika. Whatever lies behind the complicated relationships among those three, I myself admit that Mika DOES love Kaon. She loves Kaon as an "absolute angel", while Himiko loves Kaon as a real human with blood and flesh. In return, Kaon also loves Himiko as much as a human being could ever be, and can only react to Mika's devotion as an absolute angel. Mika's love is twisted, selfish, demanding and desperate; but I call it love, because if not, I cannot think of another word to better describe it.

A thousand people may have a thousand ways to express their love, and Mika's way is to tear Kaon from her love, rip her of her feelings as a human, bring up her fighting ability and perfect her as the ultimate absolute angel. Now you see it's doomed love, since it's a demon's way of doing things. We always try to find a balance in making ourselves happy or make our love happy; a saint may reach the limit for the latter, while the jerks only do the former. Mika sama is one of those. And the rest of us, usually swing in the middle. When the love is mutual, that's the best 'coz there will be no problem. But if an unrequited love happens, what can ever be done? Sigh... I was asking myself a few days ago.

I myself will probably act like Otaha san. Not able to see my love suffer, nor capable of leaving her; try to make her happy in achieving what she wants, on the other hand being jealous of her love to death; feeling happy of being close to her, yet suffering constantly from a desire never fulfillable. Ahh........judging from this, I must have some M element in my inner layer (Lol~~)

Ok, this is quite unrelated, but Happy Valentine's~ XDD


再过10几个小时就该上飞机了,有100件事情该做的时候我偏偏选择了来写日志= =|||

第6话其实是三华的一话。扑克脸的歌音、苦瓜脸的日美子, 两人在这话的存在感都及不上这位之前被叫做变态大婶的SM女王样。特别是歌音在这话的刻画更是单薄,除了耍酷根本没有其他(<---不用怀疑,说话的这人是歌音的发烧迷)。

日美子的三声かおんちゃん叫得好动情,下屋你想这样的机会很久了吧!!(指)想没想起神无月第9话末尾,姬子抱着紫色巫女服叫的一声声“千歌音ちゃん”? 回去重听啦~www

说到这个,另一个dé·jà vu是空吊着的那几个镜头,好像姬子在银月之岚某事件之后的成熟性感而又呆滞的模样啊!!<---这人脑袋里都装了些什么^ ^;;

此话之后,三华的人气一定大涨。老实说我很喜欢田中敦子的声音--御姐控一只,所以这一话之后就越发难恨起她来了。 不仅是女王样,自恃身份,而且又是执著而痴情的人,比起弃刹那如蔽履的京四郎,说着“一定要让你爱我”(x4)的三华,着实形成了鲜明的对比。

可惜无论是谁介入小月(谁?)和小日之间,都只能是永远的第三者。说小日“什么都不如自己?” 错!!你能画出那让人挪不开视线的一副副素描吗?你能让歌音露出由衷的笑容吗?更重要的是,你能在关键时刻作回“受”吗?(爆)



ps:下话不出所料的话应该和漫画一样,空痛苦--献身--被拒绝--泪奔(笑)--京四郎找到告白--刹那看到--一夜大boss出现--7话完。 让我们祈祷歌音3人出现那么一下下吧(苦笑)

Friday, February 2, 2007









哭了。。。哭了至少两次T T


苍蝇人再现= =



发亮的眼镜キターー 抄少革的不止一处啊~

闭着眼扑上去居然没亲错地方欸^ ^bb

So wrong, this is all sooooooooooooo wrong (瀑布泪)

不要啊小日!让我代你泪奔吧 Q_Q



如果她忍隐做戏,那么在自己喜欢的人面前吻其他人,自己喜欢的人又在自己面前吻其他人,板着扑克脸推开小日(--新世纪好女人啊!!不管发生什么事都先惦记着老公歌音 T T) 真是情何以堪?



推荐阅读 [驚囧郎] 第五集:there's still love...?

